Solenoid recommendation

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Ken Krawford

I've added a solenoid to my Universal 25XP and it greatly improves the engine starting.  However, I have gone through 2 solenoids rather quickly.  They were ones that I purchased at an auto parts store.
Does anyone have a brand or a specification that is likely to last?

Stu Jackson


If you are going through solenoids, you NEED to check BOTH the connections AND the continuity of your wiring.  

Immediately, if not sooner.

I used a Ford F-86 (or close to that part number, from Kragens, a local car parts place).  Ron suggested, in either his Mainsheet article or a later email note to me, that a "marine" grade version would be his choice if he had to do it over.  For the extra $20 or so, it may not be needed.  Buy two or three, mine keeps working, and so does Ron's.  Cole Heresee is the marine grade model.  $10 for Ford or $30 for CH: your choice.

The MOST important part of the solenoid upgrade is to ASSURE that you have a wiring diagram that shows you how to RECONNECT the OLD wiring, if (and when) your solenoid gives out, unless you carry a spare solenoid.

I particularly remember Ron's suggestion to make sure you have enough extra glow plug wire by running the "extra" wiring around a pencil - I got the idea, but I used my little finger, and I am still trying to find both the finger and the wire :)

IF you've followed the suggestions in the solenoid design posts, you will have been SURE to have   left enough wire to be able to EASILY replace the original wiring, so as to not have a problem if (and WHEN) your solenoid frizzes out.

Oh, yeah, check the GROUND.  That's 99.7867565634223% of ALL electrical problems. Find the engine ground, remove it, replace the connectors, spray it, put vaseline, WD40, Boeshield and your mother-in-law's old stockings on it.  

[Except for the last part of that sentence, Ron and other famous boat maintenance experts, would assuredly agree.]

Good luck, and while you're at the auto store buying two or three solenoids, please send me one C.O.D., of course!)



PS  -   sorry for the CAPS, I didn't mean to "yell" but the emphasis is only added for when I make my next SPEECH.

The answers are out there...............
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."