Rudder play

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I have 3/16" verticle movement in my rudder, this is with the nylon washer in below the emergancy tiller cap, and one on top of the rudder.  Is there a trick to remove the emergancy tiller cap so I can install a thicker nylon washer? Or another one? I removed the bolt and tried to pry up on it with a screwdriver, do I have to heat it? or is it screwed on?  Or is 3/16" rudder play acceptable, other 34's in the marina have more or less.  This computer won't let me access the archieves for more info even though I am logged in.  Also, If i change the nylon washer, any idea where to buy a 3/8" washer?  Thank you
Bob Gatz, 1988 catalina 34, Hull#818, "Ghostrider" sail lake superior Apostle Islands

Ron Hill

Bob : If you have never had your emergency aluminum tiller cap off before, it is probably corroded on to the stainless column (dissimilar metals)!! When I removed mine back in 1990? I put a coat of grease on the inside of the Aluminum cap so it wouldn't fuse to the column!!

I wrote up the vertical rudder play fix years ago 1990?! 
I took an extra nylon bushing like the one already there and put it on a belt sander to sand it to size(thickness) so it would go on top of the one already there and still have the cap fit back on.
From you description you don't need to sand another bushing down to size, as 3/16" thick gasket should do the trick.

You probably going to have to cut the existing emergency tiller cap off with a Dremal tool. Then purchase a new one from Catalina factory or Catalina Direct!!
Be sure to coat the inside of the new one with grease!!   A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788


thank you ron, what is considered excessive vertical play, i have 3/16", is this normal or too much in your opinion, cutting the cap off seems drastic if i am close to specs  thanks again
Bob Gatz, 1988 catalina 34, Hull#818, "Ghostrider" sail lake superior Apostle Islands

Ron Hill

Bob : I can't answer what is excessive - don't know?!? You might ask Gerry Douglas at Catalina that question.  All I can say is that I took out all the vertical play as I mentioned above.

I can tell you that if you ever want to seal the stainless column where it enters the rudder layup, you will have to remove that tiller cap to get the rudder to drop a couple of inches. Then you can do the sealing.
If you don't have a new elliptical rudder you really need to seal that area; because the inside grid welded to the stainless column is ferrous and will eventually rust out.   :cry4`

A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788