My Mary Gee, Finally in Brooklyn...

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Wow what a process, selling one boat, buying another...
It was about 5 months of trying to first sell my fine Cape Dory 27, and then searching and narrowing
it down to a Catalina 34. The Mary Gee is a beauty, some little projects to do for sure, but what a great sail we had coming a across Raritan Bay New Jersey to her new home in Brooklyn. I was impressed with her stiffness as the afternoon southerly kicked in. I wished I sailed her all the way from North Carolina, but Atlantic Boat transport did a good job as did Sail Craft from Oriental, in setting her up...
Looking forward to some great sails in the remaining summer and fall...


She's a beauty!!  Congratulations   :thumb:

Kevin Henderson

The sail, the play of its pulse so like our own lives: so thin and yet so full of life, so noiseless when it labors hardest, so noisy and impatient when least effective.
~Henry David Thoreau


Hey Ron
       She was my baby and i also enjoyed her she is a great boat .... please if you get a chance get a picture of her with the statue of liberty ... and the NYC sky line for me ... She will take good care of you ...
Kevin G
New Bern N.C.

Les Luzar

Welcome to the C34 family! Enjoy every moment you can spend sailing her, caring for her, and simply gazing at her!  :D
Les Luzar
#355    1987
Long Beach, CA


Ron-  Just catching up on reading....Welcome to the fleet!  We've been across the bay in Atlantic Highlands, NJ for 13 years.
Michael & Helene Scipione - Virtual Reality 840
Lincroft, New Jersey


Welcome to the 'Hood.

Leslie & Stewart Napoleon
Desiree, C34 MKII, #1472
Old Greenwich YC, Greenwich, CT
Stewart Napoleon, Hull #1472, Desiree
Greenwich, CT


Ed Hughes
La Vie Dansante-1988 C34 Hull 578


Congratulations! I had a 27' C&C for a dozen years in City Island, Bronx, NY. Last year we moved up to Pleiades, hull #1076, a 1990 Catalina tall rig with a wing keel. My wife, kids, and I all agree that this is the perfect cruising boat for us. We do cruises up to 2 weeks out to Block Island and Newport, can do daysails with 8 or more people on board, and I single-hand it once a week. Our first full year has been great. I hope yours wil be, too.
Jerry S
There is NOTHING--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.    Kenneth Grahame


We are just luving the boat...
A few issues here or there, but I expected as much.
Although I have only had her for less two months in the water, I
have learned much on how she responds to all kinds of sailing conditions..
She's sails fine in light air, and is stiff in a blow,,
Last week, on our forth overnighter to the Highlands (great place Skip)
we tacked across Raritan bay in a steady 10 to 12 south wind. She was so
well balanced that I bearly touched the helm. We sat on the deck in pristine
conditions as she sailed herself.. miles out of our way, it was magical.
What I luv most about the C34 is how much I am enjoying everybody else
who now wants to sail her. Just this past Saturday afternoon, we had 8
of us on board first for a 20+ knot sail and then a post sail diner with
plenty of wine and pumpkin ale.


Kevin:  What are doing for a boat now that you sold #615??
Larry G. Trumble
East Jordan, MI
1987 #475