Helloooooooooooo Fleet 5

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Bill Jenks

If you are a C34 owner in Washington State we invite you to join the C34 Fleet - Fleet 5. We held our first organizational meeting April 27 in Seattle. :clap We had folks from as far away as Olympia and Eatonville to the South and Anacortes and Bellingham to the North. We had a great time meeting all the other C34 owners that were at the meeting. We all had a chance to introduce ourselves and tell how we became involved in sailing. We scheduled our first cruise at the end of June and our second cruise for early September. Dates and destinations to follow so stay tuned. We are thinking the San Juan Islands for the first cruise and South Puget Sound for our second cruise.

Speaking of cruising:
If you are taking your C34 out for a week or a weekend or even a daysail and would like some company post where you are going on this site and let people know they are welcome to come along and who knows you might just meet some new C34 friends. :D

New friends, good pizza, great sailing stories - a great way to get Fleet 5 off to a sailing start.  :party This is going to be fun.

Bill Jenks
Treasurer C34IA
Unzipped  Catalina 34 #1484
BOB San Juan 21 #19
Tacoma WA