low sulfur diesel fuel

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Jeff Kaplan

much has been written and discussed about low sulfur fuel. as i have stated before, i am a proponent of adding fuel cond. to help, low sulfur is here to stay and must be dealt with. this post is an fyi. one of the companies i rep for, crc/mary kate, chemicals just sent me a new product bulletin about the introduction of "lubricure", a concentrated lubricity improver. crc fuel conds. have lubricity in them, but this is a stand alone product. it only increases lubricity. many people don't use fuel cond. in the warmer weather and this product will help. what the product touts, is that it will restore essential lubricity lost by the sulfur reduction, reduce engine wear, and it will protect diesel fuel pumps and injectors. it is a concentrate so a little goes a long way. 12oz. treats up to 125 gallons. add some to each fill and you will be doing a good thing for your fuel system. take this for what its worth...jeff
#219, 1986 tall rig/shallow draft. "sedona sunset" atlantic-salem,ma

Craig Illman

Jeff - I've neglected to thank you for one of your recommendations on using fuel conditioner. While I didn't find the specific brands you recommended, what I picked up at a Kenworth Northwest store a few weeks ago made a big difference in starting performance. I'll need to check the label to see if it addresses the lubricity issues with low-sulfur diesel.


Jeff Kaplan

craig, glad to hear that the product worked for you. must get pretty chilly up in that area. most good fuel conds. do add some lubricity improvers, i believe our product is for those truckers or fleets that don't cond. their fuel year round, should though, and have to deal with the effects of lsf. should be a big seller. forgot to mention that this product is recommended for on and off road engines and can be found in napa stores, wm, and truck parts dist. that carry the crc brand...jeff
#219, 1986 tall rig/shallow draft. "sedona sunset" atlantic-salem,ma