C34IA Constitution w/ Amends. I to VI

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Philip Imhof


Article I


The association shall be known as the Catalina 34 International Association.

Article II


The purpose of the Catalina 34 International Association shall be to promote the enjoyment of ownership, sailing, cruising, and racing by:

1.   Promoting cruising and social activities.

2.   Establishing and maintaining one design standards and specifications in order to insure competition between boats of identical design and performance in all the essential areas such as hull lines, weights, sail plan and equipment.

3.   Promoting class racing under uniform rules and regulations and handicapping (subject to local fleet modification) which will test the skills of the skipper and crew.

4.   Keeping the cost of racing the Catalina 34 within modest limits without sacrificing high standards of performance and seaworthiness.

5.   Conducting National Regattas and other Catalina 34 International Association activities.

6.   Maintaining communication with other Catalina 34 owners through the Mainsheet and by other means such as mailings and newsletters.

7.   Cooperating with other yachting organizations.

8.   Charting local fleets to promote maximum participation in Catalina 34 International Association and Fleet activities.

Article III

Membership Eligibility

Membership classes are:

1.   Regular Member
A regular member shall be an owner or part owner of a Catalina 34 yacht and a Corinthian.  He/she has the privilege of holding Catalina 34 International Association offices and the office of Fleet Captain of local fleets.  He/she also has the privilege of commanding a Catalina 34 yacht in sanctioned races.

2.   Honorary Member
An honorary member may be selected by the Catalina 34 International Association of local fleets, but he/she may not hold office, vote, pay dues or command a Catalina 34 yacht in sanctioned races.

3.   Associate Member
An associate member subscribes to the objectives of Article II, but does not own a Catalina 34 yacht.  He/she may hold local fleet offices other than Fleet Captain.

Article IV


Catalina 34 International Association dues shall be $20.00 per year or $36.00 for two years and will include a subscription to Mainsheet.

Article V

Catalina 34 International Association Officers

The Catalina 34 International Association officers and duties shall be:

1.   Commodore
The Commodore shall schedule meetings of the Catalina 34 International Association and Board of Directors.  He/she shall preside at all Catalina 34 International Association meetings, approve the annual report and official actions of other officers, appoint special committees, rule on procedure and jurisdiction, authorize Catalina 34 International Association expenditures within the budget, charter fleets, and perform other functions as may be warranted for the proper management of the Catalina 34 International Association.

2.   Vice Commodore
The Vice Commodore shall assume the duties of the Commodore at all meetings and other Catalina 34 International Association activities in the absence of the Commodore.  He/she shall have management responsibility for the Catalina 34 International Association's National Regattas and other responsibilities assigned by the Commodore.

3.   Secretary
The Secretary shall maintain the Catalina 34 International Association membership roster, minutes of meetings, and other records.  He/she shall also maintain the Mainsheet mailing list and prepare address labels for its distribution.  He/she shall also distribute ballots, notices of meeting, and prepare other communications as required.

4.   Treasurer
The treasurer shall receive funds and deposit them in the depository approved by the Commodore, disburse funds as authorized by the Commodore, prepare the annual financial statement and budget, and conduct other financial affairs of the Catalina 34 International Association as assigned.  He/she will insure that any member may inspect all books and records for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.

5.   Chief Measurer
The Chief Measurer shall verify compliance with class rules, maintain a file of all measurement certificates, and perform other duties as assigned by the Commodore and Vice Commodore.

6.   Association Mainsheet Editor
The Mainsheet Editor will receive and submit all Catalina 34 material to be published in the Mainsheet.

Catalina 34 International Association officers shall be elected by a majority of the Board of Directors casting votes.  Term of office shall be one year coinciding with the calendar year.  In the event of resignation or termination of any officer, the Commodore shall appoint a replacement, whose term shall expire at the end of the calendar year.  Should the Commodore's position become vacant, the Vice Commodore shall assume this position for the duration of the term.

Article VI


Meetings may be conducted in person or by other means, such as telephone, due to the large geographic area of the Catalina 34 International Association.  Robert's Rules of Order will apply when requested by any officer participating in the meeting.

Article VII


1.   Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is comprised of all Fleet Captains and Past Commodores.  The Board of Directors shall interpret the Constitution and Bylaws and serve as the last court of appeals in disputes over constitutional rights.  The Board of Directors may, by a three fourths majority, suspend any Catalina 34 International Association officer or revoke the charter of any local fleet for conduct or actions deemed prejudicial or injurious to the Catalina 34 International Association, and suspend members guilty of gross violation of rules or unsportsman-like conduct in any activities conducted or sponsored by the Catalina 34 International Association.

2.   Nominating Committee
The Commodore shall appoint a nominating committee to present a slate of candidates for Catalina 34 International Association officers prior to the expiration of each term of office.

3.   Special Committees
Other special committees may be appointed by the Commodore as required.

Article VIII


A change in the Constitution or Bylaws may be proposed by any Catalina 34 International Association officer or member of the Board of Directors, and may be adopted by a two thirds majority of the Board of Directors participating in the meeting.  Proposed changes must be distributed to each member of the Board of Directors thirty days prior to the meeting.

Article IX

Distribution of Assets upon Dissolution

Should the Catalina 34 International Association dissolve, the assets shall be distributed to a boating organization which at that time qualifies for exemption from federal income tax under section 501(c)(7) of the Revenue Code of 1986 or as the Code is currently amended.

Article X


The Constitution and Bylaws shall be the governing rules of the Catalina 34 International Association, and were voted into effect by the Board of Directors on March 22, 1988, amended by the Directors on April 15, 1989 and on February 21, 2000.

Stu Jackson

AMENDMENTS to the Constitution of the C34 International Association

Article I – Name Change to International Association

Proposed:  February 21, 2000; Accepted:   February 21, 2000

Year 2000 Officers Meeting: Commodore's Report: Change of the National Association name to "International  Association": This change was accepted.

(Note:  While not formally voted upon by the Board pursuant to Article VIII, the change has been incorporated in daily activities and the wording in the Constitution amended.)

Article I I – Expansion of Officers to include Technical Editor and Webmaster

Proposed: February 26, 2003 at Officers Meeting; Ratified: February 10, 2004 (in balloting for the  2004 Officers)

Expand Roster of Officers to include Technical Editor and the Webmaster in addition to existing officers:  "The Catalina 34 International Association officers [and their duties] shall be:  Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Measurer, Association Mainsheet Editor, Webmaster and Technical Editor."

Article I I I - Revision To The Expansion Of Officers – Deletion of Webmaster

Proposed: June 24, 2004;  Ratified: July 4, 2004

"The Catalina 34 International Association officers [and their duties] shall be:
Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary, Treasurer, Chief Measurer, Association Mainsheet Editor, and Technical Editor."

Article I V -  Revise Membership Dues

Proposed:  February 27,2006 at the 2006 Officers Meeting; Ratified: June 15, 2006

Revise Article IV, "Dues," to read: "Catalina 34 International Association dues shall be $25.00 per year or $45.00 for two years and will include a subscription to Mainsheet."

Article V - Joint signatures for checking account and appointment of a new treasurer

Proposed:  February 27,2006 at the 2006 Officers Meeting; Ratified: June 15, 2006

Revise Article V, Item 12, Commodore – description of duties, by adding the following to that paragraph:  "The Commodore, as well as the Treasurer, shall have joint signature authority over the Association's checking account, and the ability to reimburse all reasonable, documented expenses incurred on behalf of the C34IA.  In the event that the Treasurer is unable to perform his/her duties, the Commodore may act on the Treasurer's behalf until the Treasurer can resume his/her duties or a replacement Treasurer is obtained.  The Commodore will appoint an acting treasurer among the members of the existing officers until such replacement is obtained."

Article V I  -  Formal adoption of the 1993 Honorarium for Secretary

Proposed:  February 27,2006 at the 2006 Officers Meeting; Ratified: June 15, 2006

Revise Article V, Item 14, Secretary – description of duties, by adding the following to that paragraph:  "The Secretary shall receive a $1,000 honorarium per year, in addition to reimbursement for all reasonable, documented expenses incurred on behalf of the C34IA."

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

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