Leaking fuel tank

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Last week while having a discussion with the insurance adjuster about (great guy...my insurance is with St. Paul's Power Squadron program) some minor gelcoat damage as the result of Hurricane Dennis, when I went below I noticed a bit heavier diesel smell than normal.  

Some investigation soon led to the discovery of a small leak occuring somewhere underneath the tank.  Further investigation - during which I moved the tank slightly from it's normal position - soon resulted in the proverbial "flood".  I felt like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dike:  one hand sopping up fuel, the other hand frantically dialing The Admiral to request a rapid delivery of fuel cans and a hose!

After the disaster was averted - i.e. 20+ gallons of fuel headed for the bilge - I discovered the cause of the leak.

Trinity is a '93 model.  Her fuel tank is sits on top of some heavy vinyl (maybe rubber, not sure which) strips.  I'm guessing probably for vibration insulation and perhaps to allow air to circulate between the tank and the fiberglass decking.

It seems that these strips were secured with stainless steel screws  Three of those screws were in contact with the tank and one of which managed to rub/corrode a hole in the tank.  The hole was pretty well "plugged" by the top of the screw head - thus the fuel "weep" to begin with - until I moved the "plug" by moving the tank.  

I'm glad I was dockside when this happened.  Sure would have been a big mess (and probably a big fine from the Coast Guard for acting like the Exxon Valdez!) had we been in a seaway.

So...I've purchased and am installing a new tank.  All of the screw heads are being covered to ensure we don't repeat this process.  

Thought I'd share this with the group  - might be worth a check of your tank bottom - the ole ounce of prevention scenario. :cry4`
1993 C34
Hull # 1261
Wing Keel, Std. Rig

Ron Hill

r_b : I have nothing between my 1988 tank and the plywood platform that it sits on.  
Guess that one of Catalina's "Better Ideas" didn't pan out.

I'd suggest that you call Jerry Douglas @ Catalina and let him know what you found in your failure analysis.   :cry:
Ron, Apache #788


Good idea, Ron.  Perhaps the feedback would be helpful.
1993 C34
Hull # 1261
Wing Keel, Std. Rig