Verizon Digital Phones on Chesapeake Bay

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I am about to spring for a new Verizon (only digital) wireless phone and was wondering if anyone has experience with usage on the upper half of the Chesapeake Bay.  I want to make sure I get good coverage from the water.  

Thinking of the LG VX6000.

I now have a Motorola Startak from Verizon and get great coverage, but this also supports analog.


Stick with the multi-band phones.  You will be better off.
Jim Kane


Hello Dick,
We've had Verizon for years, and last year got an Audiovox digital phone (don't know the model number).  We get great reception.

See you at the Haven,

Roc - "Sea Life" 2000 MKII #1477.  Annapolis, MD


We both have Verizon multi band phones and have always had good coverage in the upper Chesapeake. Larry's Motorola Startak was the best with the stongest signal but it now lies on the bottom about halfway between St. Thomas and St. John


Larry and Pam, my prior phone lies on the bottom of the Chesapeake also.  By the way I have Hull # 1430, yours was probably made at the same time.

Roc, thanks for the info on the digital phone.


It seems that you've got all your phone in Verizon. My friend had definitely Motorola Startak. This phone has quite features but has a good signal.
online wireless phone


I just ordered a Droid X from Verizon.  (Two week wait, they can't make 'em fast enough.) The reason is that it has MIFI capability and will allow connection of up to five devices.  I am mainly getting it so that i can use my laptop where there is no wifi capability at customers. I am also looking forward to using it at the marina (marina too cheap to add wifi) to check weather etc. 
Mark Mueller
Mark & Melinda Mueller
Blue Moon, Hull #815

Ron Hill

Mark : All you need from your cell phone provider is a phone with a modem!!  I use Verizon and origionally had a StarTac, but moved up to an LG phone with a modem. 
The nice part about the (Verizon) plan is that you can turn ON the broadband service and turn it OFF when you aren't using it ($$).
When you go to the phone store get someone (difficult to find!) that can tell you not what all the other features are on the phone, but the piercing Question of : "How does it work as a phone??" 

In your area of the northern Chesapeake Bay you should get great coverage!!  I've had no problem with voice or data as far north as Rock Hall.  A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788

Roger Blake

I've had a couple of providers thru the years. Verizon is the only one which seems to have good coverage of the Chesapeake...and I've been from Harve de Grace to Norfolk...rarely do I get a dropped call or no signal. I'm sticking with Verizon.
Last Call
1998 C34 MK II
Hull #1414

Michael Shaner

The whole Chesapeake is pretty well covered. There are a couple dead spots in the southern Bay (Tangier Is.), but hey, its 25 NM or so across. We were able to pull off a Delmarva circumnavigation last year and had decent signal (Verizon) virtually the whole way around...on the outside too. I was even able to fire off an email to Ken Juul when our fuel gauge crapped out off Chincoteague to confirm our fuel consumption per hour...

ps. I actually had the C34 Tech Notes disc aboard and could have researched it there too...BTW thanks Ken!  :D
Michael & Alison Shaner

Ron Hill

Guys : I've never found any location in the Chesapeake Bay that I can't get a Verizon Broadband signal, that includes Tangier Island. 
Might want to check your phone?  That's why I have a separate phone with a data cord to the laptop !!   :wink:
Ron, Apache #788