Noah and TS

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Noah I hope you fair well over the weekend! Be safe.
Glenn Davis
Knot Yet
1990 Catalina 34 Mk 1.5
Hull 1053
Patapsco River
Chesapeake Bay Maryland


Thx. I am all battened down. This intensity of a storm will be a first for us in San Diego. At least we don't have to deal with storm surge here due to water depth and geography. Funny story: also first time (yesterday) I got email from my insurance company (Gieco/BoatUs) stating  that due to my boat being in the "cone" of a named storm, I can take advantage of my Hurricane Prep Coverage clause, and that they would "cover up to $500 to get my boat professionally hauled-out and hurricane prepped." ! ???? Never even occurred to me, even if it was possible. I am more concerned about big trees falling on my house! :cry4`
Should be an interesting weekend! Navy ships have left and gone to sea! That should be a fun ride too!
1990 hull #1014, San Diego, CA,  Fin Keel,
Standard Rig


Looks like it ended up going well south of San Diego but, my, what a storm!
2006 Catalina 34 Mk II. Hull No:1752. Engine: M35 BC.


I was in Avalon (Catalina Island) in So Cal for a week when we got news of the approaching storm. The harbor dept informed us they were closing the harbor to prep for the storm. We cut our trip short and departed on the 19th. We motored home in a flat calm (calm before the storm?) and made it safely to our slip in Long Beach with no issues. It rained all day yesterday with some wind in the evening but that was about it. I don't think the storm was as big as anticipated but it was the first time I've ever been chased out of Avalon Harbor!
Kevin Quistberg                                                 Top Gun 1987 Mk 1 Hull #273