2019 Officers & Fleet Captain Meeting Notes

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Stu Jackson

April 25, 2019      FINAL

To:    Officers:   Noah Rosenblatt, Jon Windt, Stu Jackson, Ken Heyman, Jack Hutteball, John Nixon, Dave Sanner

           Board:  Rick Allen, Paul Erb, Ken Juul, Ray Irvine, Dottie Toney, Dave Schreder, Robert Schuldenfrei, Paul Alcock

   Guest (2018):  Sue Clancy (former Vice Commodore, website redesign)

Re:   Catalina 34 International Association 2019 Annual Officers Meeting

Dear Catalina 34 International Association Members, Officers and Board Members;

The Annual Meeting of the Catalina 34 International Association Officers and Fleet Captains was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, April 2, 2019, 8:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 5:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time.  The meeting concluded at 6:02 p.m. PDT.

The 2019 International Officers are listed after these meeting notes.  Participants in this teleconference were: Noah Rosenblatt, Jon Windt, Jack Hutteball, John Nixon, Stu Jackson, Ken Heyman, Dave Sanner, Ray Irvine, Dottie Toney, Paul Erb and Dave Schreder.  Absent were: Fleet 14 past and new captains Robert Schuldenfrei and Paul Alcock, and Past Commodore Rick Allen, Ken Juul, and past Vice Commodore Sue Clancy. 

The meeting was based on the emailed agenda, dated March 10, 2019.


1.   Financial Report & Projections – Treasurer Ken Heyman
a.   Statement, dated March 31, 2019, showed loss of $1,814.73 for 2018.  Balance is adequate per earlier meetings discussions of a minimum of a year worth of magazine payments ($7,500-$8,000). 
      Report Year        as of Dec. 31              Cash Balance
      2019            2018         $11.7K
      2018            2017         $12.4K
                2017                    2016                     $12.0K
      2016              2015                     $11.9K
      2015                    2014                     $15.1K
      2014          2013          $12.7K   *
      2013                    2012          $20.7K   *

* --- decrease in funds due to "dividend" offered in 2013   

b.   Statement and projections accepted as presented per motion made and seconded. 
c.   No discussion of a dividend for 2018.  2016 Meeting motion was to look at it every year as a method for keeping the balance to a reasonable amount.  [Dividend is defined as a free year of membership; initiated due to excess of funds in 2013.]
2.   Membership – Secretary Stu Jackson
a.   450 C34s, plus 28 C355s, total 478, down a bit from the 2017 count of 500 C34s plus 28 C355s, 528 total, similar to 2017 of 504 C34s plus 29 C355s, 533 total, down from 2016 of 525 members of which 28 are C355s, 553 total C34 IA members;  down from 2015 figures of 594 members of which 32 are C355s, 562 C34s; down from 2014 figures of 639 members of which 41 are C355s, 588 C34 skippers; 2013 figure of 560 members, of which 28 were C355 skippers, 532 C34 skippers.   
b.   Slight downward trend but holding reasonably steady.  Appears pretty healthy, good Mainsheet Tech Notes and the good website attract and retain IA members.
c.   Stu noted that he reports membership every quarter in Mainsheet magazine.
3.   Associate Editor report – Jack Hutteball
a.   Jack noted that he had prepared a friendly outreach on the forum to solicit articles, including guidelines and did not receive a great response, and will try again.  He encouraged Fleet articles.  Jack advised that Fleet articles can still be submitted and may be published by Mainsheet, with no guarantees as in the past.
4.   Technical Editor report – John Nixon
a.   John reported he and Jack have been having difficulties accessing the tech notes online and haven't been able to post the last three article.  Dave Sanner can add Wordpress access for Jack and John.
5.   Website: General – From the 2018 Meeting Notes:  The 2017upgrades to the website will require ongoing effort to maintain the different sections.  The intent is NOT to remove and or edit older material.  It is to encourage ownership of the various sections for clarity and continuity.
a.   Commodore Noah Rosenblatt, Vice Commodore Jon Windt and Secretary Stu Jackson will form a committee.  The purpose of the committee's work will be to close the loop on the outstanding issues described in the 2018 Meeting Notes and the 2019 Agenda, and to clearly document all updating activities related to the website and IA records for clarity for those who follow us in the future.  Stu noted that the committee could meet via freeconferencecall.com.
b.   While not discussed in detail during the Meeting because of the formation of the committee, the 2018 Meeting Notes and the 2019 Agenda describe the scope of the committee work in this Item 5b and Items 6 & 8c below.
1)   List of Forum/Message Board Administrators/Moderators 
a)   Dave advised that he would add Noah and Jon as Forum Administrators. 
2)   Administrators to review and accept new respondents on the Forum – Dave noted that we do this manually to avoid spam & bots.   
3)   gmail addresses for Officers  - is it worth the complications
4)   Wordpress authorized individuals & methodology
5)   List of Sue Clancy's "How To" memos
6.   "To Do List" from 2017 Officers Meeting Notes
a.   These items should also be included in the committee's overview
1)   The multi-page Tech Notes Online document technotes.docx in 5, b, 5) above.
2)   Procedure for editing home page officers contacts to include current information.
3)   Record the Yearly To Do List as completed in 2018
a)   Update home page with hidden officers emails
b)   Post Officer & Fleet Captain Meeting Notes, including Election results
c)   Send backup copies of database in FileMakerPro and xls to Commodore, Vice Commodore and Treasurer; send C355 list to Ed & Diane Walters  (their email address is:  dgwalters@gmail.com)  The 2018 agenda included the background of our relationship with the C355 skippers.
4)   Stu has developed a list of all the C34IA accounts
5)   The list of website sections based on Sue's 2018 input for Ownership – see the agenda for the list of these items and how updates are to be handled.
7.   National Regatta – Ray advised no regatta is planned.
8.   Fleets – The Fleet Formation Package is routinely sent to new VCs
a.   Fleet Captain comments
1)   Ray noted that Fleet 1 has suffered significant decline from 50 to 22 although it maintains an active racing contingent.
2)   Dottie advised the Fleet 13 remains vibrant.  Even though some lake sailors are moving to larger waters, they remain in contact.  Fleet activities include on & off water events and since 2004 their yearly Memorial Day brunch is used to plan the activities for the coming year, including awards and fun awards.
3)   Stu reported that Bob Schuldenfrei advised that Paul Alcock would be the new Captain for Fleet 14.
b.   Mainsheet – No discussion this year.
c.   Promotion of Fleet section on Home Page – This means from the menu on the Home Page, not the sections on the forum.  The intent is to have this section a place for fleet news that has been discontinued from Mainsheet magazine.  The committee should review and make recommendations.
9.   Fleet Support  -  Motion made, seconded and passed to extend Fleet Support for $15 per boat as of April 1st with those fleets that choose not to accept OK, requires a discussion and a motion for renewal every year.


Dear Catalina 34 International Association Members, Officers and Board Members:

February 20, 2019

The 2019 International Officers listed were duly elected by a majority of Fleet Captains and the Past Commodores in accordance with the C34 IA Constitution. 

2019 C34 International Association Officers

2019 Officers

2019 Commodore  Noah Rosenblatt
2018 Commodore
2017 Vice Commodore 
#1014  Jete

2018 & 2019 Vice Commodore
Jon Windt
#493   Della Jean

2019 Secretary Stu Jackson 
1999-2018 Secretary
#224  Aquavite

2019 Treasurer Ken Heyman
2007-2018 Treasurer
#535  Wholesailor
(847) 422-3371 (cell)

Chief Measurer – position vacant

2019 Mainsheet Editor Jack Hutteball  (Fleet 5) 
2009 - 2018 Mainsheet Editor
#1555  Mariah II

2019 Webmaster Dave Sanner (Fleet 1)   
2005 to 2018 Webmaster
#611  Queimada
sanner@big.net, dsanner@rigel.net

2019 Technical Editor  John Nixon
2010 -2018 Technical Editor
# 728  Otra Vez

2014  Associate Technical Editor Ron Hill (Fleet 12) – no longer participating 
#788  Apache  (transferred boat to son – 2014)
2004 - 2014  Associate Technical Editor
Past Technical Editor & C34 General Overall "Guru"
(540) 891-5297


2017 & 2016 Commodore Rick Allen  (Fleet 1)
2014 & 2105 Vice-Commodore Rick Allen
#746  Painkiller

2014 &2015 Commodore  Paul Erb
2013 Vice-Commodore
#1634  Yachta Yachta Yachta

2013 Commodore Lance Jones (Fleet 13) – no longer participating
2011 & 2012 Vice-Commodore
#622  Kitty's Cat

2011 & 2012 Commodore Michael Shaner (Fleet 12) – no longer participating
2009-2010 Vice-Commodore
#300  Queequeg

2009 & 2010 Commodore Bob Kuba – no longer participating
#1291  Quiet Island  (sold in 2013)

Dave Davis (Fleet 1)  – eight bells  2018
#707  Wind Dragon

Jon Arck (Fleet 1) – no longer participating
#1346  Tweety Bird  (sold in 2015)
2004 &2005 Commodore
2004 Vice-Commodore

Bill Jenks – no longer participating
2003 & 2004 Past Commodore
2005 - 2006 Treasurer

2007 & 2008 Commodore Ken Juul
#1090  Luna Loca

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

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