Sherwood pump

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Is there anybody who has remove the two bearings on the shaft of the raw water pump sherwood g908 and how to do that I think that there is a snap ring between the bearing. I see the snap ring on the picture of pump. Thank you.
L'Apache hull#1377  1997 Quebec Canada universal 35bc

Ron Hill

Andre : Go into the Mainsheet tech notes.  I wrote an article with pictures, on how to rebuild a Sherwood pump's water side.

A thought
Ron, Apache #788


Yes the article is good but for my pump I need to change the bearings and I think that there is a snap ring between the bearing. Another question is one disc is stationnary but how. On my pump when I turn the shaft the two disc turn with the shaft. There is nothing for block one disc. Thank you.
L'Apache hull#1377  1997 Quebec Canada universal 35bc