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Messages - Bill Shreeves

Main Message Board / Re: NYC to Philadelphia navigation
September 28, 2021, 08:35:59 PM
I took my '87 C34 from the Barnegat to Worton Creek on the Chessy via the C&D canal several years ago.   Pretty much any NJ inlet South of Ocean City & North of Cape May should be approached with utmost caution, especially near low tide without local knowledge.  Same thing goes for Delaware City Marina.  Especially if you draw more than 4 foot.  For DE City, Marina they're happy to give detailed directions over VHF.  My low tide approach in to DE City Marina 4 years ago from the South was to keep #1 buoy in to the Delaware City Branch Channel, within a boat length to port then follow a direct path to the docks on the Northern side of the channel.  I think once in the channel slightly favor the Southern side but that detail is a little fuzzy.

Enjoy the trip!
HIN = Hull Identification Number i.e. serial number usually on the stbd transom. 
just a thought, without the benefit of your spacing or sizes your dealing with, what about attaching the new bracket to adapter plate(s) then attach the plate(s) to the old mount points?
Thought I'd share a few on my experience when I replaced my HB5 back in 2017 including damper plate and everything back to and including the prop.

I went through many of the same considerations and, after much research, I was very fortunate to find a spectacular deal on a ZF10 which was way cheaper than a 15 making my decision very easy.  That said, before i found my deal, I was reluctant to accommodate the additional offset on the 15 but, at the time, a new 10 was about $400 to $500 more than the 15 but, increasingly tough to find.   if memory serves, I think the 15 was about 10mm greater offset?

After reading your post I was curious and did a quick search and found a couple sites overseas with the ZF10 with the correct gear ratio for much cheaper than CatalinaDirect.  Not sure how adventurous you are but, if you needed warranty work, Fla is ZF's U.S. main location and they were very, very  helpful to me when I contacted them about a problem with my replacement ZF10.

Have you considered / looked in to having the current one rebuilt?  Assuming you have an average number of hours / season on it, it had a pretty darn good run.  At the time I was researching my replacement, a shop within driving distance wanted nearly the same cost as a new 15 which I considered as well.  You may find a more competitive $
Glad to hear your friend is on the mend and enjoy the return trip!
Jon, Noah's explains the reason for the big loop and not cutting the lines shorter and thanks for the pics and description of the run!

Thanks for the info guys!
Quote from: Noah on July 14, 2021, 06:29:05 PM
BILL— Both Jon and I believe Glenn, are NOT using the ColdMachine 150 evaporator. . If you buy the Adler Barbour ColdMachine 150 you will have enough copper.

Thanks Noah!  I'll be taking a much closer look this weekend and hope to see that I'll have mucho copper lines.  I don't expect to get to the refer install for a few weeks yet.  I'm hoping to wrap up another big project then need to install some new instruments in the PODs on my binnacle.  After that, comes the refer.
Main Message Board / Re: Retired today
July 14, 2021, 02:43:06 PM
Congratulations Glenn!  Hope to see you around Worton Creek now and again or out on the Bay.

I turned 62 in June and haven't made firm plans when yet but, its been on my mind a lot in the past few months.  Before I got the boat 6 years ago I figured I'd work till 70.  I liked what I do and figured working is better than twiddling your thumbs.  Well, now no question what I want to do and can so, I should get busy and get my last few ducks in a row!

A friend of mine that retired last year says that you retire when you have enough or when you've had enough...
Can't help with your prop question but, I'm really curious how it compares to noise level and vibration vs the M25?
Quote from: glennd3 on July 14, 2021, 11:18:31 AM
Bill I mounted mine where you are going to. It works fine but needed extra charged lines for the distance.

DOH, the default line length doesn't make it?  I didn't check yet but should have.  I guess I better order the extensions now since it took nearly 4 months to get the condenser.
Welcome!  My hull is just a scant 886 before yours!  :thumb:   They're a safe, good, stable, comfortable coastal cruiser that'll last a long time with reasonable care.
Thanks.  What Jon showed is what I've had in mind with the compressor installed under the settee just forward of the stbd. water tank.

Jon, How difficult is it to run the refrigerant lines between the icebox and the galley enclosure? I have yet to add any insulation.  That'll be coming later.
I've had enough with buying ice to keep my food cold and I'll be installing a new Cold Machine CU-100/VD-150 on my '87 34 in a few weeks.

What is the typical or most common side of the icebox to mount the evaporating unit and thermostat?  The Admiral will have input on where she thinks it'll be easy for her however, I wanted to know where others have it mounted.

Thank You!
If anyone happens to be aboard their MK1, any chance you could get approximate dimensions of the space aft of the table post?  I'm wondering if a dog crate might fit in that space temporarily.  Ideally, dimensions fore and aft between table base and cushions projecting forward and starboard cushions to port side of table and height between sole and table supports.

Thanks if anyone can share that!
