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Messages - KWKloeber

Happy New Year fellow Catalina-ers

I am trying to put together a deal to get the SmartPlug shore power system at a good discount for the C-30 group.  This can work for all if I can get enough participation.

I was wondering if any C-34 members are interested so we all can get a better price.
I also emailed the other groups.

I pasted below my original shout out to my fellow C-30 members below.

If anyone is interested just email me DIRECTLY as I don't monitor this list.

Cheers, Ken Kloeber
C-30 #3573
"Positive Impact"


I'm trying to work a group price deal for SmartPlugs.
I've taken to heart RC's comments about the twist locks we have and am replcaing mine. Especially after experiencing an overheating/meltdown/smoking at the shore connector end of my cable (lucky I was there and prevented a fire) and seeing his pics at

My cable is good, so I'm looking at the inlet/conector retrofit combo:

The discount would depend on the quantity -- but it would be well below Defender's price ($179.) This can work only if we have enough quantity, so if anyone is interested in a Smart Plug at a discount (and is not just tire kicking,) email me offline (or if responding on the list, copy me to make sure I see it) so I can get a solid idea on quantity.  I'm doing this one time so now or never!


If you'd want the complete cordset ($130 Defender) and inlet ( $120 Defender)
let me know that also. If there's enough interest maybe I can also get a decent discount on those as well.
