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Messages - Steve McGill


Thanks for the additional information and effort, much appreciated.

Steve M.

After looking in the Bomar catalogs at West Marine they suggested that I get the serial number located on the
front on the hatch frame and then call Bomar. This is what I am try to obtain.

CFSA Steve provided an excellent link for the 1000 series hatch. While some parts of this link appear the same the
tie down dogs do not.

Once I am able to obtain the serial number from the frame for a like year model I will contact Bomar as you suggested.


Production year 10/87,
Model Year 88
Hull # 588

I need to replace the left tie down dog on my main saloon overhead hatch.

I am looking for the serial#/models# of the main saloon hatch. This is located on the forward portion of the frame attached to the hull.  I can no longer read mine and based on what I understand I need this to call Pompanette, LLC. I have looked throughout their site, but have not been unable to locate what looks like the correct tie down dog.

I am assuming that boats produced around the same time as mine may have the same hatch assembly.
Main Message Board / Navpod Pedestal Guard AG10
April 30, 2007, 09:29:55 AM
I am planning to replace the standard pedestal guard on my 300 series pedestal which is currently 1" in diameter.
Navpod sells a 58" offset Guard much like the Edson, but it is 1" in diameter. This means that I
can utilize the existing top plate.
If I was to use the Edson guard which is 1 1/8" in diameter I would need to replace the top plate. This would require disconnecting the engine and transmission controls and linkage, a much bigger job then I want to handle.

Anyone have any experience with the Navpod AG10 1" guard, positive or negative? comments appreciated.


S/V Clarity
Main Message Board / Sail Slide Replacement
April 23, 2007, 11:23:38 AM
The sail slides on my just purchased 88 standard rig are breaking and need to be replaced. I ordered some from Sailrite, but the thickness was to great.

The manual shows that the slides are .78" wide, the neck is .406" and .188"' thickness of which is what goes inside the slide.

Any assistance on where I can get replacements is much appreciated.
Main Message Board / Bomar Hatch Dog Replacement
April 22, 2007, 07:53:09 PM
My 88 Catalina overhead salon hatch has a broken dog. When in the salon facing the stern the hatch is overhead the broken dog is on the right.

Is this the right or left dog?

Where might I get a replacement, do you have have a model/part number?


Steve M
Main Message Board / Chart Plotter - Pedestal Guard
April 06, 2007, 05:50:05 PM
I have an 88 with the original classic pedestal and the short straight pedestal guard.

I am interested in adding either a 6.5 or 10" chart plotter. Would be interested in changes or upgrades you have done in this area. If you would like to post any pictures they would be greatly appreciated. I an thinking of changing out the guard to either the Edson 58" offset or their angled guard. I currently have no other instruments on my guard with the exception of my hand held GPS.


Steve M.
(soon to be) 1988 # 588