In the ten years that we've owned Sonrisas (hull 1240, Universal M35AC) we have never had even the slightest problem starting the engine when cold. This season, we have been having starting problems, but only when the engine is hot. Turn the key, hit the starter button, and there is an audible "click", the voltmeter swings left, but the engine doesn't turn. I found that I could start the engine if my wife hit the starter button and I simultaneously gave the engine a slight manual boost (with my foot; not something one wants to do regularly). I checked the positive connections (and recrimped several that were questionable) and replaced the ten-year-old starter battery, but the problem persists. Could this be the sign of an aging starter? Does a hot engine have greater compression than a cold engine, as suggested by a few web sites I've read? Finally, is there a home remedy (starter rebuild? brushes replacement?), or should I just order a new one?