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Messages - mj_sailing

Lake Michigan / Re: Great Lakes Roll Call
May 21, 2020, 02:37:50 AM
Not real active here, but on the Great Lakes.  Elk Rapids, MI.
Main Message Board / Re: Beckson Port Advice
April 09, 2017, 04:35:13 AM
OK, thanks, Stu.  I must have been confused reading other posts on Beckson ports and thought it was for these also. Further confusing is that Dow 795 is a silicone based sealant ( Guess I'll return it and re-bed next weekend with another silicone. This will give me time to get over frustration and sore thumbs from replacing the Beckson gaskets too  :cry4`.  What a job those were!
Main Message Board / Re: Beckson Port Advice
April 08, 2017, 02:52:09 PM
Yes, Stu.  I'm using Dow 795 for the Beckson ports.  Hope that's the right one for this job.
Main Message Board / Re: Beckson Port Advice
April 05, 2017, 02:51:53 PM
Stu - I'll save the "rig" as well somewhere for the future removal when I've either screwed it up or the seal has worn out (hopefully the latter).   :D

Dave and Jeff - how much caulk did you end up using per port?  I've ordered 3 large tubes for the 6 ports I'm re-bedding.  The Dow 795 Silicone was impossible to find around town here, so I guesstimated and ordered on Amazon.

Dave - I noticed the same thing about thru-bolting on Beckson's instructions, which had me a little confused too, given Catalina used 8 or so screws inside and a plethora of sealant.
Main Message Board / Re: Beckson Port Advice
April 02, 2017, 02:04:30 PM
Ok, thanks for the clarification, Stu.  That's how I was planning to do it and your reinforcement helps clear it up.  It sure doesn't seem like a lot holding those ports in place, but they've been there successfully for about 30 years so far, short of some periodic leaks (most likely from the old, weathered gaskets rather than ports).  The PO siliconed the heck out of these to address leaks, so they were fun to pull off and clean.  I ended up buying new trim rings, as they weren't in good shape after prying them off in the fall.  The removal tool in other posts worked like a champ to get the ports out in the first place.
Main Message Board / Re: Beckson Port Advice
April 01, 2017, 07:41:32 PM
I also have my Beckson ports pulled this winter to be re-bed shortly.  If you don't seal the ports from the inside as indicated in other posts, is the layer of silicone under the outside trim ring really adequate to seal these ports from water intrusion in the cabin?  Thanks to all for your wealth of information and experience throughout this site/forum.