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Topics - Jim Brener

Main Message Board / C34 boats for sale
January 16, 2020, 09:02:30 AM
If you are looking for a Catalina c34 boat for sale, see the Catalina C34 for sale under the message section of the C34.0rg home page.
Fleet 12 / 1987 C34 Hull #504 for sale
January 16, 2020, 08:21:23 AM
Wind Spirit is for sale.  It is located on the hard at Herrington Harbour North, Tracy's Landing Maryland. It is listed on Yacht World.  Below is a link to a youtubeube video of the boat.

It is currently listed with George Sabo, CPYB
Integrity Yacht Sales
650 Deale Road
P.O. Box 479
Deale, MD  20751
O: 301.261.5775
C: 301.641.3018
F: 301.500.3108

You can contact me anytime at 703-856-6149 for more information
Jim Brener
The OEM fuel pump on my 1987 finally gave out.  I read all the posts on the fuel pump 101 and then went to a NAPA owned store for a replacement.  All the past part numbers did not come up. They have two part numbers for a Facet High Performance Gold-Flo unit that looks like the one remove from the boat with hose nipples and no inline fuse.  I think I should connect the black wire from the pump to the existing black wire that splits into, if I recall a brown and black (perhaps red, not at the boat)

One model is a 610-1074 12v 4-4.5 psi, the second is a 610-1076 12v 6.5-8 psi.  My question is, which psi pump should I purchase.  The cost of the first is $149.00 plus tax and the second about $10.00 more.

If this question has been asked and answered, I apologize as I could not find it in 15 pages of posts, not in date order.

Main Message Board / Aft water tank leak REPAIRED
July 24, 2017, 09:30:42 AM
I had a leak in the aft water tank at a corner where the tank is cut out.  I tried different things to seal it, epoxy stick, etc but nothing would stick to the polyethylene  tank.  I looked at all the past posts which were helpful in what to expect when removing that tank but no good method of repair.  After removing the engine control cables at the engine there was enough slack in the other cables to remove the tank through the aft cabin and enough clearance to pick up the tank and clear the fitting on the bottom which attaches to the water hose. The only sure way to repair the tank is with hot air plastic welding.  After a number of false starts, I called a plastic fabricator who had the equipment and could do the job. In Annapolis I used Annapolis Maritime Plastics.  The cost $120.00 which was their minimum. 

I called Catalina Direct to get the cost of a new tank and they quoted a 24 gallon tank for $389.93  plus $134.00 shipping and insisted that this was the correct aft tank even after I said it was not.   I requested a drawing and it was not correct. I sent them a picture of our 42 gallon tank and they said they would correct their records. When using Catalina Direct, trust but verify.

I replaced the water hose that lived in the bilge for 30 years and remembered to attach a messenger line to pull it under the cabin floor.  The tank was reinstalled and all is well.
Main Message Board / Bow Anchor Roller Removal
October 23, 2016, 01:23:32 PM
I would like to remove the bow anchor roller to straighten one side which is bent out of position (don't ask how).  It is held by 5 large slot heads either screws or bolts. Has anyone attempted this and knows how it is fastened to the deck.  If it is through bolted, I don't see any way to access it.  I think it will be difficult to get enough leverage to do this on the boat.
Main Message Board / Autohelm Parts Source
October 06, 2016, 07:17:05 AM
I have an Autohelm 3000, I named him Oscar, I love Oscar, he steers better than I do, then Oscar broke his leg, I mean the lever that tensions the belt broke.  I repaired it several times before looking for a replacement part.  I found this source, who had made an improved handle and cam.  I ordered one and it works fine.  The site is run by Rick Wallace and he sells other Autohelm parts and has made improvements on OEM parts.  He also has a technical contact who had worked for Autohelm if that help is needed.   

While not state of the art, this unit still works fine and I see no reason at this time to spend  boat bucks for a replacement as long as parts are available. 
Main Message Board / Head Counter Top Replacement
May 28, 2015, 06:10:18 AM
I am in the process of replacing the counter top in the head.  When completed, I will post this project.  The  need to replace the counter top was water that came under the counter top and the solid shelf the counter top sits on and over time saturated the top.  I need to find the entry point of the water before installing the new top.  Facing the medicine cabinet, water is found in the outer right corner and maybe the outer left corner.  The jib track screws are dry as well as the scupper and stanchion bolts that can be seen looking inside the medicine cabinet and up toward the top.  The wet locker is dry.  The head window is tight and as far as I can determine, the port lights do not leak . I am at a loss as to where the water comes in. The head compartment mold sits away from the hull as far as I can tell and one would think water would run to the bilge.  I do have water entry at the holding tank vent stanchion which I am going to try for the third time to fix but that water drops to the sliding door shelf above the nav station I am at a loss and any suggestions will be appreciated. 
Main Message Board / Water Leak
August 21, 2014, 06:05:04 AM
I had water leaking in on the port side at the holding tank vent stanchion.  I rebedded the stanchion with butyl tape several years ago and I thought the leak was from there.  Upon inspection, I now think it is coming in by a bolt to the right and below the stanchion.  Can anyone tell me what the bolt is for and where the head is as I see several more to the left in the compartment. Could it be to attach the rub rail?  I know that where a leak shows does not mean that is where the water comes in.

Not sure I will like the answer but thanks as always thanks for your suggestions.

Main Message Board / Chesepeake Bay Warning
June 18, 2013, 07:02:51 AM
Wind Spirit was launched mid April after spending the winter on the hard.  Due to other projects, time weather and other bad excuses I had not gone through my Spring engine check list until two weeks ago.  Upon start up everything was fine but when placing the engine under load at the dock the RPMs did not increase and it did not go into reverse and hardly in forward.   After checking the fuel lines, fuel pump etc, I found nothing wrong.  I did find, for some unknown reason, throttle was not attached to the engine and the engine cut off handle did not pull up as before.  Again for some unknown reason, the stopper adjustment was moved and did not allow the cut off lever to move all the way forward.

I thought that solved the problem as I could move forward and reverse against the dock and spring lines.  We took the boat our for a shake down and moved slowly above idle just fine but when increasing throttle nothing happened.

A discussion with a mechanic suggested that the prop was fouled which I thought hard to believe after two months in the water.  I had a short haul and the entire shaft and prop was completely covered with barnacles. These were removed during power wash and the yard  applied a coat of Pettit Zinc Prop Coating.  The yard said they have done a lot of short hauls for fouled props this Spring.

The suggestion is even if you can't leave the dock to run your engine often to spin off the barnacles or better yet, go sailing, which we will be doing.  I bring this thought to you as I have not before had this amount of buildup to the extent that it affected performance of the engine.  By the way, here was only a little soft growth on the hull.   Speculation, global warming.
Main Message Board / Leaking Fixed Port
June 06, 2013, 04:12:30 PM
The starboard fixed port is leaking along the top.  I have removed it twice and rebedded it only to see the drips return on the inside.  I am a convert to butyl rubber tape and will be rebedding most everything with it.  Has anyone tried using this on the fixed ports?  After removal and cleanup, I can see at least two  1/2" strips of tape or more  and perhaps  numerous screws to hold the port in place. This means drilling holes in the plastic which has its own risk.

If all else fails, I will consider removal for the third time, not fun.  Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Main Message Board / AC WIRING ISSUES
July 08, 2012, 08:01:51 AM

Being married to a former Inland Marine Insurance Writer, one can expect her to have risk aversion issues. I on the other hand tend to have work aversion issues with the "if it is not broken, don't fix it"  Needless to say, hers is the better policy

I have not seen much posted about possible AC wiring issues on the older boats. The mate thinks that all the AC wiring should be replaced with new AC breakers, shore connection  and outlets. Concerns about chafe, loose connections, corrosion, etc, come to mind.

I will be interested in any thoughts on this topic.

Fleet 12 is sponsoring a C34 Rendezvous on June 25th at Hartge Yacht Harbor Marina, on the West River starting at 2:00pm.  This event is open to all C34 owners and crew and there is no charge to attend.  This is a rain or shine, come by land or sea event. Please see the flier that I hope is attached for more information and where to R.S.V.P.  We would like to hear from you by June 21st.  We will welcome last minute arrivals but if we know in advance then we will have enough refreshments.

I have tried to reach out to C34IA members who are not members of Fleet 12 and your attendance will make the event a success. We are intending to compile a directory of C34 boats on the Bay for distribution later in the summer.  If you can't make the Rendezvous but want to be included in the directory, please send name, address, contact phone, email address, boat name, hull number and marina to

Please direct any questions to and I hope to meet you on the 25th.

I am reaching out to C34IA members who are not members of Fleet 12 to invite you to be part of what I hope to be the largest gathering of C34 owners on the Chesapeake Bay.

Fleet 12 will sponsor an informal C34 Rendezvous June 25th, on the lawn, at Hartge Yacht  Harbor in Galesville, MD on the West River starting at 2:00pm.  There will be no charge for  this event.  The event will be held rain or shine so if it is blowing "stink" there is plenty of parking.  If coming by boat, see slip reservation information below.  There are  places to anchor and if you don't have a dink, someone will have one to ferry you ashore.
The program will be round tables on technical issues hosted by Ron Hill, on cruising hosted by Phyllis Hill and Susan Recla and any other topics you want to address.  We will provide light refreshments.  Please R.S.V. P. to Dave and Janet Ewing at 443-994-8131 or email

I want to publish a directory of C-34 boats on the Bay.If you want to be included you  can send your personal and boat information to Hank Recla at  Please  include name, address, phone contact, email address, boat name and hull number and marina. It will be in spreadsheet form so it  can be sorted.

We have members who have lived aboard , been down the ICW. and have done the Delmarva loop and I hope they will attend and share their experiences.  There are projects to share, and stories to tell, not too tall I hope,  We will have a table for a nautical flea market. So mark your calender and help make this a success.
Fleet 12 / Fleet 12 Membership Information
March 26, 2011, 08:29:54 AM
New members are the life blood of any organization and Fleet 12 is not exception. Our dues are $20.00 and can be sent to Susan Recla, 13006 Emmet Court, Woodbridge, VA 22192.
Please include the following information.
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email address
Boat Name and Hull number
Marina location

You will receive a membership list and notices of events.
Jim Brener
Main Message Board / Fleet 12 Cheseapeake Bay
March 26, 2011, 08:24:24 AM
Fleet 12 will  attempt to compile a directory of all the C-34 owners on the Chesapeake Bay.  If you are a member of the C34IA we have your basic information as provided by Stu Jackson and will make an effort to contact you.   We do not have email addresses or other information we would like to include in the directory.  It will be very helpful, if you wish to be included in the directory to send me the following information.
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email address
Boat Name and Hull Number
Marina location

I will post Fleet 12 membership information in the Fleet 12 Forum on this site. As I said in a mailing to our members, our boats are no longer being made and if you want to sell your boat, having an active Fleet 12 should  be meaningful to a new owner knowing that there is a local support and social network of experienced C-34 owners.

Jim Brener
Fleet Captain
Main Message Board / Round holes on keel
July 29, 2010, 01:27:04 PM
When the boat was hauled this year I found over a dozen quarter to 50 cent holes on the keel, more on the port side than starboard, that went through the gelcoat to the epoxy/fiber lay up. In the 9 years we have has the boat, we have never had blisters and these did not look like a blister.  I have no idea what caused them.  Being short of time on the hard, I filled them with Marine Tex and see if that holds until the next haul out. 

Any thoughts on what could cause these holes?
Main Message Board / Catalina Cushion Fabrics
June 15, 2010, 06:29:04 AM
We have to replace all our interior cushions, why, is a subject for another day.  I will be interested in any experience with Catalina's Ultra Leather fabric, durability, ease of cleaning, stain resistance, repair etc.
that you would like to share.  The good, bad and the ugly will be appreciated.
Main Message Board / Autohelm 3000 Parts needed
May 27, 2009, 01:32:57 PM
If there are any pack rats that have parts for an Autohelm 3000 that they wish to part with,  I need the foot lever that tightens the belt to the drive.  The mfg. does not have any parts for this unit.  If you can help, please reply via email to or to this message or via cell phone to 703-856-6149.

I posted this on the  "looking for parts" section but this may get read by more members.

Thank you
Jim Brener
Wind Spirit #504
Main Message Board / Blue Tarp Winter Cover
October 12, 2008, 03:33:27 PM
For those of you who go on the cheap and use a blue tarp, 15x20, as I have for many years, here are some suggestions.  Buy a roll of 5" wide stretch film, I think Home Depot sell them, or Uline or contact me.  Cut a length of heavy PVC pipe to go from the split in the back stay to  several feet past the end of boom. Place the pipe up against the V and use the stretch film to secure it around the back stay.  On the boom, wrap the film around the boom and the pipe stretching the film as you wrap.  The pole will stay secure all winter. I fit a tarp over the boom, cut a hole for the topping lift reinforce with duct tape and use line and water bottles, 3/4 full of water,  hung under the life lines and over the side,  to hold the cover as tight as possible and line to lace the tarp at the stern. I use the tarp grommets where possible and plastic tarp clamps.  I have done this when the boat is stored in the water and on land. One has to check over the winter as things happen and need to be repaired but I don't get rain,snow,ice or leaves in the cock pit which is the main concern and the area aft of the mast remains dry.  I have tried to protect the bow forward of the mast with limited success. A tarp will usually last 2 years depending on how hard the winter is.  If I had a new or newer boat I would consider the investment in a cover. It must work as one year I found 4 duck eggs nested among the main sheet.
Main Message Board / Refrigeration
May 27, 2008, 11:42:29 AM
When we purchased Wind Spirit the Adler-Barbour worked at 50% and never was cold enough to keep frozen foods. It died 3 years ago and we just replaced it with a Cold Machine CU-100 and it works great, too great.  The evaporator frosts up, which may indicate moist air entering or just normal. However, the food next to the evaporator also freezes and keeping food from the evaporator reduces the usable volume in the box.  Any tried and true suggestions as to what works.

On another note, after I installed the Cold Machine, it did not work.  A-B authorized a technician to look at the problem and he tech said he fixed it.  This was late Fall, this Spring the unit did not work.  After many emails to Defender and A-B another tech was sent to evaluate and found a Shrader valve that was causing the refrigerant to leak out.  Don't know what the first guy did, most likely just replaced the refrigerant and never looked for the cause,  as A-B does not pay a going rate for warranty work.  They did, however, pay the going rate for the second repair with urging from Defender.
Main Message Board / Dingy Considerations
June 28, 2007, 11:11:53 AM
The used 5' inflatable that I purchased used 7 years ago is leaking air in more places than I care to count.  I read the posts on dinks that were posted in 2006.  Before making another purchase, I am asking the group for any thoughts.   I think I want an 8' or 10' with large tubes but unsure of the floor type. Will consider a hard dink and looking for pros and cons.  A trip down the ICW and I hope to the Bahamas is in the future.  I have a MKI which came with a Dingy Tow from the PO and like the security of using that to tow the dink. I have a 3.3hp motor that is like new.   Did not know squat when I purchased the used one, hope to be better informed this time. Thanks for your comments.
November 02, 2005, 02:26:33 PM
I tried to pull up a past article from the Mainsheet.  I tried to enter from C34.0rg but when asked for a user name and password it would not accept it.  I used the user name and password that allows me to enter the Forum.  Is this feature up and running? I know, I could have used the incorrect entry but I tried various combinations.  Any suggestions from the web master.
Main Message Board / GEL COAT CRAZING
March 28, 2005, 07:55:44 AM
I noticed some gel coat crazing on the outside face of the toe rail, long horizontal thin cracks. I had this problem with my old C-22 and never found a good repair technique.  Has anyone had success dealing with this problem?
Main Message Board / UV JIB COVER REPAIR
December 04, 2004, 02:29:27 PM
I sail on the Chesapeake Bay and remove the sails for winter storage.  Late in the season in 2000 we purchased a new jib from North Sail with  a UV cover.  On removing the sail the other week, I noticed that the stitching holding the UV cover to the sail cloth had deteriorated badly in the middle third of jib leach.  The UV cover did not show any UV problems nor did the sail. I thought that this should be covered under North's warranty.

I took the sail to their shop in Annapolis and the report was that UV degradation of the thread was normal ware and tare and quite common after 3 to4 years. they said that they would charge $205.00 for this repair as well as fixing a few other minor problems.  The representative kept saying that this was normal in Florida. and I kept saying that the boat was not in Florida.  I do not normally hear of this type of problem.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so, how old was the sail and where is the boat located.  Any other comments will be appreciated.