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Topics - corapcarey

Main Message Board / Beta Marine Engine repower
March 27, 2024, 08:19:57 AM
Hey, we are repowering with a beta 25 this spring and are wondering if anyone who has gone before us has any suggestions or wishes that they knew before they started their endeavors. We have a 1986 Mk1 with shoal keel.

I think I am moving the starting battery from the battery compartment under the settee to behind the motor in the aft cabin, forward and port of a new flex water tank.

Is there anything that you need would have done differently or known about before you installed your new motor?

Thank you in advance

SV Night Heron

Main Message Board / Crack in aft cabin liner
October 25, 2023, 07:47:17 PM
Our new to us 1986 C34 Mk1 shoal keel, has a crack in the liner, in the aft cabin, starboard side at the corner where it turns from the little bench to the actual bunk. The crack isn't reflected on the exterior of the hull, and the worst part is at the transition from bench to bunk. The crack also extends as a hairline along the corner of the bunk aft. It doesn't look new and I can't check to see what happens under load cause we are hauled for the season. Anyone else ever seen this?? It doesn't appear to be a bulkhead or structural per se but the liner is pretty beefy and definitely adds rigidity to the hull.
I'm kinda leaning to leaving it, and checking it under load next season unless someone has seen this before and I can intervene in the off season.