has anyone had to replace the teak trim around the countertop in the head? i replaced the counter top all around with new plywood and formica. looks like great, but the old teak trim doesn't line up exactly. the apron part of the trim seems to be a little taller then those i could find around on the web from seateak/whitecap. unfortunately i forgot to measure the overhang before i left the boat, but they're definitely taller then the 7/8" as shown from seateak/whitecap. i sent a message to catalina, was wondering if anyone else has a source/solution
for those wondering why i didn't just trace the old countertop, apparently when catalina cut my countertop they cut it from a master template (maybe) rather then the actual hull, which is what i traced. there was a ~1" difference in dimensions specifically above the tp cabinet. i didn't notice this until i tried to fit the trim. i couldn't just trace my old countertop, leaks rotted the plywood into oblivion (literally).
for those wondering why i didn't just trace the old countertop, apparently when catalina cut my countertop they cut it from a master template (maybe) rather then the actual hull, which is what i traced. there was a ~1" difference in dimensions specifically above the tp cabinet. i didn't notice this until i tried to fit the trim. i couldn't just trace my old countertop, leaks rotted the plywood into oblivion (literally).