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Topics - paule

The following parts removed or brand new from a Catalina 2003 please make offer, some parts are for pick up in South West Florida area only unless buyer wants to pay for shipping.

B&G Vulcan 9
Raymarine I60
Raymarine Wireless wind
ATN tacker
New spinnaker sheets and Garhauer blocks
Universal Maintenance kit with extra filters
Lewmar replacement lens for main cabin and small ones for over head or aft cabin
Garhauer motor lift
22lb plow anchor
Dinette filler cushion

Selden Bow sprit
Complete set of cockpit cushions (hardley used look like new)
Track cleats
Garhauer track rope clutch

PM me for more information
Paul Erb
Main Message Board / Rope clucthes
January 28, 2021, 06:13:32 AM
Anybody replace their Garhauer Rope clutches can
remove the one bolt but can't find the bolt under the lever

Main Message Board / Engine won't start
October 27, 2020, 08:53:03 AM
Have a starting and electrical problem this past weekend, let me give a little background.

I put the back in the water back in the beginning of April after being out for 1.5 years. At that time replaced the batteries  when i  was put in the water the boat would not turn over had my mechanic come over to get me started so I could bring the boat to the dock. Since being busy I could not go out on the boat plus in the summer weather is not that great to sail in here in FL. I did run the motor at least once a month for an hour or plugged in for a couple of days. Boat started up with no problems so we went out for a sail the weekend before, which brings me to this last weekend here is the scenario:

When I go to turn the key my amp meter goes to zero.
Go check batteries the show charged.

Go and put the stereo on no problem turn on the cabin lights on  stereo turns off.
No cabin lights
turn on VHF no problem
Water pump no problem
Has this happened to any body.

2003 c34
Main Message Board / st60+ wind and st4000 head problems
February 25, 2018, 07:36:35 AM
Went to the boat yesterday and my st60+ wind instrument shows the dash lines, my vane was ripped off by an osprey about a year ago but still gave me speed now nothing any thoughts, the unit is 15 years old.

Also my head unit on the st4000 went black the auto pilot still works I figure I have to replace the head unit.

Wondering has anybody changed to the i50 or or i60 units?

Main Message Board / fuel pump problem
June 08, 2013, 09:28:50 AM

Wire to fuel pump corroded have my mechanic looking says that the wiring on the boat does not match diagram in manual or one Catalina just sent me.

Motor bogs down after motoring for a while new fuel filters fuel is fine.
Also do not have the buzzer when I turn my key on to start motor

Anybody else have this problem

Main Message Board / battery charger
February 10, 2013, 02:55:51 PM
Does anybody know what the life expectancy is of the battery charger Catalina puts in our boats. It is a 2003.  I have new batteries maybe month and a half old, when I check to see charge level in cabin they show around 14 volts on my gauge out by the wheel when I turn the key on it shows 13 volts. My diesel guy says that is normal.
Main Message Board / Bottom paint problem
May 05, 2012, 05:08:12 AM
Just had my bottom painted by marina here is the problem;

I had Micron extra on the bottom and the yard was supposed to paint it with the same paint however I found out they painted it with Trinadad instead.
Never had any problems the boat was in the water for just over two years.

My question is will I have a problem with the paint I was always told a hard paint cannot be applied over a soft paint is this true?

Also should I have them repaint with what I asked them to paint it with in the first place?

Yachta Yachta Yachta
2003 #1634
Main Message Board / Toronto boat show
January 13, 2011, 10:52:21 AM
If you are attending the Toronto boat show visit the Catalina Yacht Store while there.
Lots of stuff and you can place orders.  :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Main Message Board / Raymarine ST60 depth
September 30, 2010, 02:17:41 PM
Went fpr a sail today and all was fine my ST60 depth was reading fine. the wind picked up on the way up the sound to about 18 and choppy.
Then the depth was giving me wrong depths. For example where I know it is about 12' it was giving a reading of 22'. That is not all it would then climb and come back down. Even in the slip it would climb and then drop to normal depth. Any ideas I just had the bottom cleaned 2 weeks ago by my diver.

I have a wrapped wheel for sale in great shape I am located in the Punta Gorda area of Florida the price is $200, and a danforth anchor for $90(it is brand new never in the water). The buyer pays shipping

Main Message Board / Halyard & Sheet information
October 27, 2009, 01:13:39 PM
Does anyone know the sizes to replace halyards, sheets and in haul/out haul lines for a 2003 c34.
Plan on replacing them within the week boat being moved to FL.

Paul Erb
C34 2003
Yachta Yachta Yachta
Main Message Board / Chartplotter and Radar
February 24, 2008, 09:40:47 AM
I am looking to add Radar and chartplotter to my boat.  I have been looking at the Raymarine C70 or C80 can I get some feed back on these two units not many reviews on the units. Right now I am using a Garmin GPS Map 76 and have no problems sailing Barnegat Bay, but plan on moving the boat Punta Gorda area in Florida. 8) 8)

Main Message Board / Battery replacement
November 11, 2006, 02:31:05 PM
Went to the boat yesterday and had to fill one of my batteries and noticed cells were almost dry, filled them with water. Today threw the charger on and the battery was hot after 6 hours of charging.  I guess this battery  is shot did a search on seeing what kind of battery to replace it with any suggestions. 

I have heard and talked to others with owners of other size Cats. Just looking for the best for the C34

2003 MKII
Yachta Yachta Yachta
Main Message Board / Vendor for Association
October 29, 2005, 04:49:10 AM

I have been trying to get in touch with you about becoming a vendor for the C 34 Association.  Spoke to you at Annapolis while we were on c34 on Thursday.

Please give me a call or email me,  we have a lot to offer. or
Phne # 609-698-67635

Paul :D
Main Message Board / Maxwell anchor windless
August 29, 2005, 05:32:31 AM
My wife and I went to anchor the other day and seem to be haveing a problem with our maxwell 800 windless. It was not free wheeling we did evrything that we use to  do but couldn't remember if it did free wheel, also seems that the rhode jumps out unless you keep preasure on it.  Anybody ever experience a problem like this.

yachta yachta yacht
#1634 '03
Main Message Board / Transmission Failure
July 09, 2005, 03:40:43 PM
Two other c34's in my marina have approached me with transmission failure.  One of the owners said that there was a recall service bulletin.

One of the boat is a 2000 the other 2001 should I be concerned with my boat a 2003.

Main Message Board / Gary Jobsen tickets
May 23, 2005, 05:13:08 AM
If you are interested I have fund raiser tickets with guest host Gary Jobsen

Check out for more info in fleet 3 forum

paul erb
Main Message Board / Fleet 3 meeting
April 13, 2004, 05:15:57 AM
Just a reminder Fleet 3 meeting will be on Sunday, April 25, 2004 at the Captains Inn in Forked River, NJ we just need a final head count on who will be attending please contact Gene Regan or me (Paul Erb @609-698-6735).
Aslo bring some ideas of some activities for the season.

Main Message Board / Fleet 3 in NJ
March 02, 2004, 02:55:08 PM
Last week I mailed out fleet survey's to fellow c34 owners in NJ & PA. If you recieved it please let me know if you are interested and also if you are planning to join use at the next meeting at THE CAPTAINS INN in Forked River. If you can not make the meeting but would still like to be a part of fleet 3 please return the survey to me by either snailmail or email.

We will have alot to discuss and plan out the sailing season.

Paul Erb