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Topics - rappareems

Main Message Board / Shaft leak
May 27, 2021, 05:09:40 PM
Launched the other day only to find the bilge at the floor boards two days later...water coming in at the shaft... slow but steady... its not the stuffing box.  I am back on the hard and my man (former Junior sailor of mine now 40) will be tackling the job.  Any suggestions as to what to look for when we pull the shaft?  My man says, "see what Stu and Ron have to say."  Of course we are open to any and only suggestions.

Mark Cassidy
Olcott, Lake Ontario

I am looking to replace my circulating water pump... I have the Universal M25 engine which Catalina used for one year before going to the XP engine.  Stu Jackson gave me the source of Depco Pumps which I used for my water pump last year... will call them on Monday.  Any further ideas?

Mark Cassidy
Main Message Board / macerator pump
September 22, 2018, 01:13:27 AM
My macerator is blowing fuses... it is not the original ... I put in a new one about 10 years back... it is a Jabsco 18590-1000.  I see a kit for servicing that model but they say 2015 or later... mine older than that ... I see a lot of service kits for the 1000..  Most if not all of 18590 series are 2092.  Prices are all over the map.

Suggestions?  Help!

Main Message Board / Starter
September 09, 2018, 04:21:29 AM
Long story short, last day of cruise engine would not start... checked wires, fuse... finally rapped on starter and she fired up.  Took out starter, what a bear that was, friend says to take to local shop and have them go over brushes, celluloid and armature.... anything else?
Main Message Board / Oberdorfer Impeller kit
June 18, 2018, 12:25:57 PM
Is there a specific part number for the Oberdorfer impeller kit for the M25 Universal engine.... I think I have a spare but would like a back up.

Main Message Board / Maintenance list
May 03, 2018, 08:52:48 AM
Some time back I tried to download a suggested maintenance list from the 380 Ass., couldn't do it.... any suggestions.  I have the manual but supposedly that was a good source.

Main Message Board / Head replacement
May 04, 2016, 10:41:53 AM
I am in need of replacing my head... I read the posts from a couple years back of Stu's and company with pics etc.... seems the Raritan PH11 has been replaced with a new model... any suggestions?

Main Message Board / Vetus dorade cowl vent
December 03, 2015, 10:51:41 AM
I am looking to replace my dorade... I know some like the stainless but they are not to forgiving when a jib sheet fouls or crew takes a dive...

I see four models but none seem to measure what mine is... I get a six inch diameter on the fastening ring and app. 9" height....

Main Message Board / Fuel filter
September 23, 2015, 06:51:09 AM
I am looking to replace the "bulb" on my Dahl model 60 fuel filter.... it appears this model is no longer available any thoughts on a replacement... I also used cartridge 64 ...

Main Message Board / oil change
September 14, 2015, 04:41:36 PM
I have always used 30 weight oil for my M25 diesel.... I seem to recall some suggestions for something new... I would welcome suggestions.  Going to do the pre haul maintenance in a couple weeks.

I have a Dacron 150 genoa tall rig for sale.  Used four seasons, very good shape.  $600.00

Main Message Board / Cetol
June 05, 2015, 05:02:27 AM
I have been working on my brightwork... three coats of cetol light put on followed by two coats of clear... Everything was fine after the first coat of clear.  After the second coat of clear I went to the boat the next day and some of the "flat" surfaces were a bit "milky" and I could detect some tiny bubbles... I am thinking the finish was still tacky when a heavy dew settled on the surfaces.  Also we are under a lot of trees and the pollen is a bit brutal this season... Any suggestions?

Main Message Board / Furler failure
May 26, 2014, 05:22:50 AM
Thought I would share a little anecdote with the forum.  I left my mast up for the first time over the Winter since purchasing the boat in 2001. After launching last Tuesday we were going to put the boom and sails on this past Saturday. When my wife was attempting to run the furling line back to the cockpit it would pull out about 8 feet then run back into the drum.... after several puzzled tugs we concluded something was binding on the head stay.

After much discussion on Saturday.... I took the boat over to the Club yesterday morning... a friend of mine climbed on-board and started taking the drum off and the assorted fittings at the bottom... with the comment, "lets start here...." Another  had said.... " I think it's at the bottom."  (where it was binding) this comment was one of many opines as to "kink sightings, top, middle or bottom culprits etc. etc..... " boat yard blather.

After taking off the drum and the other assorted black fittings and exposing the innards the swage fitting had become completely unthreaded.... the only thing keeping the thing attached to the bow was the plastic fittings. Luckily I am keel stepped.  Apparently no lock tight had been used when first assembled app 14 years ago.  The last couple of threads had been pulled off but they were able to get it back together ... with lock tight applied.  The only thing we had done differently from previous seasons was leave the mast up .... all that did was cloud the issue.

I had visions of mast pulling and very $$$$ rigger charges etc. etc.  A couple buddies saved my bacon!!  Needless to say lunch a beers at the Club were on me!  I'm off to the races this morning.

Diameter:  40", 5 spoke, Stainless Steel, flat wheel, Tapered 1" shaft
Cover Material:  Navy Blue leather
Originally designed for "Catalina Yachts" as an OEM Wheel
New in box, did not fit our boat
List Price:  $951.00  SELL FOR:  $350 or BO plus shipping
Email: or Call 716-778-9028
Mark Cassidy
Main Message Board / exhaust flap assembly
July 12, 2013, 05:05:03 AM
Has anyone installed or heard about this item from Catalina Direct?

The exhaust flap assembly allows you to easily verify that your engine is protected.  

I tried to copy the picture but no go....

Main Message Board / mast collar blocks
June 12, 2013, 08:09:13 AM
Has anyone replaced the blocks at the base of the mast?  The ones the halyards go through before the organizer and back to the cockpit.  I looked garhauer but sizes did not seem to match up to what I have

Main Message Board / Fuel filter
September 17, 2012, 03:25:19 PM
I called Catalina re fuel and oil filters the other day... they referred me to Hansen's Marine here in the NE... they send me the two filters I needed for the M25 engine ('86 Cat 34 vintage).   Question.  In reviewing posts and notes on this site before getting into the filter change a second fuel filter was mentioned beside the U298854 fuel filter... my wrench could not locate a second filter.  Would it have been an after market add on?  He has been all over that engine and system because he replaced my electrical harness as well and he does not recall a second fuel filter.  Are we missing something?
Main Message Board / Binnacle rail diameter
August 10, 2012, 06:16:23 AM
Thinking of buying some snap on Zarcor gadget holders... can anyone tell me the diameter of an '86 binnacle rail?  Save me a trip to the boat.  Search did not turn up size.

Main Message Board / RPM
August 10, 2012, 12:22:30 AM
I just finished a two week cruise on Lake Ontario ... lots of motor sailing.  I ran at 2000 RPMs at about 5+ knots.  My '86 is the 25 horse engine but in reality I think it is more like a 21.  Ron/Stu what is your take on running at 2000?  It seems smooth to me but that can't be hull speed.  One good thing is I burn app. a liter per hour.

Main Message Board / 1986 Electric panel
September 05, 2011, 07:28:02 AM
Is there a picture of the original electric panel anywhere... Denis at Seaworld was not familiar with what I tried to tell him re the fuse holder... I will try Radio shack as Stu suggests.

Main Message Board / Electrical panel fuse
August 16, 2011, 01:36:58 PM
I noticed while cruising for a couple weeks ago my refrigeration fuse was very hot to the touch... the lettering had actually discolered a bit which caught my eye.  I shut down and went with ice for the duration.  When going to check it out this morning upon returning home, the fuse cap came apart in my fingers... the fuse itself was still intact but some of the metal at the end was slightly discolored.... Anyway I put in an in-line fuse and that seems to be doing the trick.  I called Catalina to see about getting a replacement "fuseholder" for the panel, no return call as of yet... any suggestions.  As you see the boat is an '86.  I would like to get the fuse back on the panel where I can access it readily.


Main Message Board / Replacing BECKSON ports
July 29, 2011, 10:34:04 AM
I have an '86 with the Beckson ports.  Has anyone ever replaced them?  I know, and have read and seen the posts on rebedding.  Does replacing need to change the port sizes?

Main Message Board / Stern Rail
June 10, 2011, 06:48:17 AM
My stern rail was damaged in a race last night.  Does anyone know if a solid wrap around rail is available.  It appears that Railmakers in Costa Mesa only makes the split version.  My '86 vintage came solid and I like leaning back on it.

Main Message Board / Track car blocks
May 31, 2011, 08:24:47 AM
I need to replace the track car blocks used to lead the jib sheet to the winch.   Not the genoa cars but what serves more as a "turning block".  I see Garhauer has them which is what I have.  I am at work and was wondering anyone knows off hand the width of the 34 track... I am thinking 1"...
Main Message Board / Beckson ports
October 19, 2010, 09:06:04 AM
I am planning on "tuning up", and rebedding my Beckson ports come Spring.  I have read the posts and copied all the information, sketches and pictures and checked out the Beckson site... Does anyone know what  sizes I would need to order, gaskets, lenses and screens?  The boat is going to be covered PDQ and if the sizes are available without me crawling all around I would appreciate it. I plan on doing them all.

Main Message Board / Accumulator tank
June 10, 2010, 03:53:34 AM
My friends Niagara 35 has an accumulator tank which maintains water pressure so his pump does not come on with every use of the pressure water system as mine do.  Have you heard of these on a Catalina?

Main Message Board / Forward hatch latch
June 06, 2010, 07:05:52 AM
I've got a Catalina 34, 1986, and have the original solid forward hatch.  I noticed that when I lock down the hatch and tighten the latchs down against the locking plate that one will tighten so far then "pop" and loosen, not giving proper seal/closure.  Is there a replacement latch available?

Main Message Board / Control panel
May 28, 2010, 12:19:13 PM
To Stu and Ron et al...

Have replaced the control panel and harness.  We installed the new 12 bar terminal strip.  One wire, tan goes direct to guage from heat sending unit on engine.  #12 brown and black wire says comes from "temperatiure switch", do not understand.  We hooked to same sending unit off engine to tan and black wire on control panel, resulting in the alarm not going off with start of engine... when we removed #12 tan and black from panel alarm goes off.  Do we need this extra wire?  And what is "temperature switch on schematic"?  Remember I have the 1986 engine that I believe was only used that first year.  Also guage lights are constantly on with ignition and seemed to generate quite a bit of heat... normal?

Don't chastise about what I should have done first. ;-)

Main Message Board / Spinnaker track
May 19, 2010, 02:22:10 PM
I am going to be installing a mast track to be able to move my whisker pole bail.  I am thinking about 1 & 1/2 inch wide by app. 6' long.  I will check with my local spar shop but does anyone have suggestions.  We sail main and jib...

We noticed the key going into the transmission hub at the shaft was lose the other day.  I had the local yard guy look at it and he said good thing we caught it as the key way was very warn and could have easily failed.  Rather than simply have it re-machined at a local shop I figured it would be wise to replace the old bronze shaft with stainless.  I called a couple local machine shops but they don't stock 1" rod... Waiting to call Catalina this morning (I am on Eastern time).  Any suggestions?

Additionally I am thinking that the flex-a-fold prop which I put on in 2003 may have put the extra torque on the shaft which ultimately caused the wear, it does "clunk" pretty good on opening.

Main Message Board / Ignition panel upgrade
April 29, 2010, 11:00:45 AM
Just got a call from the guy installing my ignition panel upgrade and I looked up the numbers for Seaward and Catalina for him.  It is the usual..."wires not the same" routine.  Any suggestions?

Main Message Board / ignition panel
March 31, 2010, 08:23:26 AM
I am going to be replacing the ignition panel this Spring before launch.  Any suggestions?

Main Message Board / Cockpit ignition panel
September 21, 2009, 08:54:20 AM
I had some trouble with my oil pressure alarm staying on with the engine started and some trouble with the starter button not always connecting on the first push this past season.  I have concluded it is time to replace the panel... any suggestions?

Main Message Board / Filters kit from Catalina
June 01, 2009, 06:55:07 AM
I recently purchase a filters replacement kit from Catalina... two oil filter, two fuel filters and impeller and gasket and two fine mesh filters that I don't know what they are for.  I have the Universal 25 engine use the first year of production of the 34, 1986 not the XP engine.  Any thoughts?

Main Message Board / Battery options
May 21, 2009, 07:00:12 AM
I have a two battery set up.  Both my batteries are deep cycle, flooded batteries.  They are only three years old and need replacing.  I am considering going to dual purpose.  I leave them on board all winter which I know is probably much of the reason for their short life.  Suggestions.

Main Message Board / Transmission fluid
May 03, 2009, 06:28:45 AM
What is the consensus on the need to change the transmission fluid annually?  I have never changed mine and can't find anyone at my club who has as well.  I bought my '86 in 2002.
Main Message Board / Shift cable
July 07, 2008, 10:14:41 AM
My shift cable sheared off right below the fitting that attaches to the shift lever.  The cable then disappeared down into the steering mechanism.  Luckily it happened just as I had shifted out of reverse into the slip.  Any suggesions???

Had to bypass the solenoid to get my boat started the other day.  Has anyone ever replaced their solenoid?  I have an '86 with the 25 hrs. engine.
Main Message Board / Insurance
April 22, 2007, 04:31:32 AM
I received my insurance renewal the other day and was a bit shocked at the coverage for "Boat and Boating Equipment", $41,000.  I have a 1986 Tall rig that has always been in fresh water and probably would be asking around $52,000 if I was going to offer it for sail.  When I called the insurer, Boat US, they told me they use two sources with both putting the valuations from low to mid $30's.  I am having my local insurer shop for some numbers currently.  Any suggestions?  $41k seemed a bit low to me.

Main Message Board / Rudder redo
November 07, 2006, 05:24:33 AM
Took my rudder off yesterday and am waiting for California to wake up before I call Catalina for details to do the rudder make over.  I have read past posts regarding costs etc.  Anything lately from anyone who has done this?  I will be shipping from Western New York (Lake Ontario).  How about turn around time?

Main Message Board / CNG Tank refills
September 29, 2006, 02:49:26 PM
For anyone in the Buffalo New York area that use the CNG system on their boat you can get your tank filled for $20 plus tax.  That beats $100 tank exhange that is the norm.  For details contact me at
Main Message Board / Cabin top leak
September 21, 2006, 08:10:03 AM
I have water coming in the cabin through the port dorade fitting.  I rebebed the dorade to no avail.  One clue is that there is no evidence of leakage after a rainfall until I take the boat out and there is some heel involved.  Any one likely spot to start looking?  There are so many possible culprits.
Main Message Board / Drive shaft
June 21, 2006, 02:59:50 PM
I have noticed since I put in the three blade flex-0-fold prop a couple seasons back a pretty good clunk when I put the boat in gear.  On inspecting the shaft yesterday I noticed some "wear" in the key way.  The key itself appears to be wearing and I could see some "shiny" spots of metal on metal wear and even a few metal filings.  My thought was to pull the shaft in the Fall and replace it with a stainless shaft.  Any suggestions?
Main Message Board / Used off shore Fouls
January 01, 2006, 03:50:15 PM
I am going to be transporting a schooner from Maine to St. Thomas the end of January.  Any ideas on getting some used (size large) off shore foul weather gear?
Main Message Board / Turnbuckles
September 07, 2005, 05:37:31 AM
I am interested in installing the new Wrap pins from Johnson on my turnbuckles.  Does anyone know the size of the turnbuckle, 5/16, 3/8 or 7/16, 1/2?  Too lazy to go measure!  Thanks.
Main Message Board / Mast Boot
August 15, 2005, 04:45:47 AM
Can anyone tell me what size mast boot to get for my C34 Tall rig?
Main Message Board / Replacing batteries
June 08, 2005, 05:17:55 AM
I have a simple two battery set up.  last time I replaced the batteries I put in one cranking and one deep cycle.  It seems after I did that I saw where it was recommended to simply use two deep cycles as you are not doing serious cranking to start the 25 hs. diesel.  Batteries are three years old.  Cranking battery is dead and deep cycle is weak.  Suggestions?
Main Message Board / PHRF ratings
March 01, 2005, 12:15:15 PM
I would appreciate it if I could get a sampling of C34 PHRF ratings from around the country.  I have a C34 T 1986 and am rated 159 (no flying sails) on Lake Ontario
Main Message Board / Throttle/shifter
January 22, 2005, 02:15:18 PM
I know I read in the Tech Notes somewhere an article by Ron Hill regarding replacing the rubber engine controls with stainless.  It even gave the part number.  Can't find them in the West or Defender catalogs not can I find my 3 by 5 reference card!  Any help?
Main Message Board / Head sail
October 26, 2004, 07:47:33 AM
I am currently planning on a new head sail.  This will be a club racing sail used on Lake Ontario in winds generally 8 to 16 Knots.  I currently have a 163% that costs me a six second penalty.  One sail maker tells me to go to a 170 and sheet outboard another to a 153 save the penalty and not back wind the jib.  

Any suggestions as to fabric and size?
