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Messages - LeeB

Main Message Board / Hull # on boat?
July 04, 2010, 02:07:11 PM
Would someone please tell us where we can find the hull # on our boat--- .  Thank You, LeeB
Main Message Board / Shades for Ports
July 28, 2007, 07:22:59 AM
Hi Quick Question!  We would like to order new shades for our 34' Catalina 2001.  There is an outit out in Texas called Zarcor but they sent us the wrong size templates so that won't work.  Where can we order ones that will fit?  We live in Florida.  Thanks, Lee
 :Thank You all so much!!! I sure will try to do  one or the other.  When my husband gets home tonight he will be happy I found some sort of a solution-- one less problem he will have to worry about-  everyone elses taxes are killin' him!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!! Lee
Help, Please!  We are selling our boat.  My husbands foot is broken (we think) and hasn't been able to show the boat so I've been doing it.  This past week-end some people came and this jerk lady took one of the winch covers off and never put it back on properly -- the wind came up during the night and blew it off.  Now we have only one cover.  Plus they  weren't even interested in the boat and were very rude to boot!!!  Where can I order another winch cover to match ours?  it's a 2001.  Do I order from the factory?  Is there a # you can give me or an e-mail or something, I'm desperate.  My husband is also doing taxes 6 1/2 days a week and has no time for anything but that and I'm stuck with everything.  Thanks so much if you can give a hand!!!! Lee.
Stu, Thanks, but when I click on Catalina 34 Discussion in the left hand corner I get computer Components computer Store.  What's up? Lee
Main Message Board / Where to advertise Boat for Sale?
November 12, 2005, 07:18:34 AM
Where can we advertise our 2001 C34MII for Sale?  is it on this board?  We have really great pictures and all the information just don't know where to post it.  We don't have a Web Page but people could e-mail us for pics and data.  Thanks, Lee
Main Message Board / Re: Cleaning Cabin Sole?
November 04, 2005, 06:28:44 AM
Thank you very much for your help.  I never thought of Murphys Oil Soap.  I forgot we even had it.  We have Tile floors and I can't remember what we used up North on our hardwood floors because most were covered with carpeting.  But thank you both very much for your help!!! Lee
Main Message Board / Cleaning Cabin Sole?
November 03, 2005, 11:25:50 AM
Hi, I'm glad I finally got on.  I really hope someone can give us some advice!  We have a 2001 34MII that was damaged in hurricane Charley.  It took a year to get it repaired down here in Punta Gorda, FL.   The marina did a fine job on the repairs but left our cabin floor so dirty.  We don't know what to use to clean it.  We don't want to ruin the beautiful wood.  Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best cleaner?  Any info would be appreciated.  Thank You. Lee Blizard  My e-mail is