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Messages - David Baer

Main Message Board / Seaward model 2120 Range Parts
April 03, 2014, 07:35:57 PM
I need an oven valve and a few other parts for the gas range on Sea Fever.  I have checked online and several consignment shops but cannot seem to find anything.
I would go so far as to buying a range from a salvage boat....Any suggestions?
Main Message Board / Replacing bilge pump hoses
December 25, 2010, 09:47:46 AM
I need to replace the bilge pump hose on my 1987 34.  Unless I can find a small child who can handle a screwdriver it looks like my best bet is to disconnect the aft water tank, move it to one side and crawl back to the thru hull.
Any better ideas?
Main Message Board / Re: 12 volt Coffee maker search
October 07, 2010, 10:23:29 AM
I use a Nissan stainless French press and my rail mounted propane grill during the hot months in Texas.  No heat in the cabin, good views while the water heats and excellent coffee!
Main Message Board / Deck fills (caps only)
August 07, 2007, 10:50:50 AM
Hull 474...need all 4 (2 water, 1 fuel, 1 waste) caps.  Satisfied with the fills but after 20 yrs the caps have given up the ghost.  Anyone have a source for caps that will fit, are marked as to the type of fill and can use a winch handle to secure? 
Catalina quotes around $29.00- which seems a bit excessive.
David Baer
Main Message Board / Re: Hatch and Ports
May 07, 2007, 06:16:30 AM
Thanks for the comments.  I know the Ocean series-they are about as robust as can be found.
Main Message Board / Hatch and Ports
May 05, 2007, 05:33:02 AM
I am getting my 1987 34 (hull 474) for an extended island hopping cruise to the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.  My boatyard manager has expressed concern over the suitability of the forward hatch and opening ports for the conditions we may encounter. He is a good guy- doesn't spend my money without good reason-but he has never sailed in the Gulf of Mexico or points south.
The ports and hatch have served well so far- no leaks, operate easily, etc.
Does someone have experience under more severe conditions than inland waterways to offer? If so any product suggestions would be appreciated.
I think I have put together a good list of other upgrades/redundancies but any thoughts in that area would be helpful.

Main Message Board / Move to Baltimore
January 07, 2007, 08:25:00 AM
After much debate it appears we may move to Baltimore, Maryland this spring.
I tried to pull up the Chesapeake Fleet web page but cannot get it to open.
Maybe some of the fleet members can help me out?
Most likely we will live in the City of Baltimore....ideas on marinas within 45 minutes or so with slip/mooring available?  Costs?
Registration/ excise taxes on Maryland registered boats?
We will be there about 2 years and I am debating just leaving the boat on the dry in Kentucky rather than transporting.  I do not have the down time to sail the boat to our new home.  Given all that, I do not want to miss out on exploring the bay.  How likely is it that I can find crewing opportunities?  I have owned the boat for 5 years, learned to sail in Asia while on assignment there(RYC cruising certification), so I have a pretty good combination of fresh and salt experience.
Main Message Board / Re: removing cabin top winch
December 11, 2006, 04:46:26 AM
Thanks- back to the boat with the hammer, block and a hacksaw blade!
Main Message Board / removing cabin top winch
December 10, 2006, 07:43:17 PM
Trying to do a quick cleaning and relube on my halyard winch (hull #474)
Decided to remove winch, bring it home to the work table and avoid the dreaded drop, bounce, plop.
Removed the nuts, taped the winch with a small hammer and woood movement.  Tried tapping up with a block on the studs-no movement.  Tried driving a soft wood wedge under the winch body-still no movement.
I gave up, came home and am hoping someone can tell we something really obvious and simple I am missing.  Did a search but found no reference-can I really have unique problem?
Good information in the current issue of Practical Sailor on this topic
Price does not necessarily mean good sealing
Main Message Board / Lost jib halyard
February 26, 2006, 02:26:10 PM
My jib halyard parted just above the shackle-shame on me for not being more observant.
I need some ideas on getting the new line down the mast.  I have access to to Top Climber and am comfortable up there-my biggest concern is how to avoid hanging it up in the channel and what method I should use to pull it down-would a small weight work?
Main Message Board / poor performance
May 31, 2005, 04:46:18 AM
Same problem recently on Sea Fever. The boat had just come out of the yard and during service the tech had left the air cleaner housing just a bit loose.  It rotated to the starboard until the neck came in contact with the engine compartment insulation,  which formed a very effective seal, ,blocking almost all the air flow. Result was no power, lots of black smoke and no idle.
Main Message Board / midships hatch
November 20, 2004, 11:49:29 AM
Trying to locate parts for hull 474-need the locking dog assemblies for the midships hatch.
Can anyone provide the model # or other information Thanks