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Messages - KeelsonGraham

Main Message Board / Re: New Genoa. 135 vs 150/155
June 30, 2024, 01:23:18 PM
Or you could go the other way like us, and have a significantly smaller foresail. We opted for a yankee. Superb visibility, easy to handle and to tack and almost no noticeable loss of performance. We happily averaged 6.4 knots broad reaching in 15 kts today.
We had the same problem recently. Full tank, failed macerator. Luckily, we hadn't used the tank for poopies, so we syphoned it into the bilge and then pumped out. No smell or unpleasantness. But I wouldn't do this for a poopy tank!!
Main Message Board / Re: Epic sailing photos!!
May 30, 2024, 08:10:58 AM
Last day of re-crossing Biscay, en-route to Brest. The rest of the crew had turned in, leaving me on watch, enjoying the sunset.
Main Message Board / Re: Epic sailing photos!!
May 28, 2024, 11:09:24 AM
Err, how do you attach a piccie these days with the new message board layout?
Thank you Ken, those are excellent pics.
Quote from: Ron Hill on May 16, 2024, 01:24:09 PMKeel : Look at the M35BC engine manual!!

A thought

I did, the trouble is it shows the hose ends going into the HX and it shows the water pump end in a separate image, minus hoses and minus labels telling you which is the inlet and outlet. There's no diagram showing the overall hose layout.
The other one definitely has a larger ID. So it looks like I have a 5/8ths inlet and a 7/8ths outlet. Catalina Direct doesn't list any 5/8ths hose at all, so maybe that's what's confusing me. EDIT yes it does, under raw water inlet hose.

Actually, I've also confused myself by thinking erroneously that the raw water pump takes water from the HX. Which, of course it doesn't! So that 5/8th pipe must come straight from the strainer, presumably?

I think I must have hit every branch of the stupid tree when I fell out of it.
Thanks guys. So, it sounds like the catalog part that CD shows is actually wrong?

Am I right that the 5/8th is the outlet from the pump?
I think I must be going nuts. I'm trying to replace what I believe to be the hose from the freshwater pump to the HX. That's the hose circled in red in the attached photo? Is that right?

Because if it is, then I ordered the correct part from CD, the hose with a 7/8th in internal diameter. But when I tried to fit it on today it's way too big. The existing pipe is on there at the moment and it fits just fine (with its smaller ID).

I don't have some non-standard HX, so whatever is in there at the moment must be standard. So how in hell is it not a 7/8th ID hose????
Main Message Board / Re: Headsets for communications
April 27, 2024, 12:51:15 AM
Over on the cruisers forum, a lot of people swear by Senna headsets. Good quality and sound and leaves both hands free.
Main Message Board / Re: Replacing HX End Caps
March 18, 2024, 01:54:55 PM
Thank you all. Hmm I did wonder whether overtightening could do that. Could really do with a list of torque settings for all engine parts.
Main Message Board / Replacing HX End Caps
March 17, 2024, 03:18:02 AM
I'm refitting the HX this week and wondering if I should use anything to help seat the new rubber washers on the HX end caps. Do they need any kind of sealing/gasket compound, or do they seal up OK just by themselves?
Main Message Board / Re: Lithium Install on a MkII
February 27, 2024, 07:48:05 AM
Hi Alex,

I've looked at the Multiplus, it's a very large bit of kit and my worry is the cable length required to run to somewhere it can fit nicely.

The insurance aspect is definitely troubling me. I've been looking for a qualified electrician to do the job for me.

Having read MaineSail's article and a ton of other stuff, I'm starting to think that this isn't a viable project. There are just so many ways to fry the hugely expensive components.

Main Message Board / Re: Lithium Install on a MkII
February 26, 2024, 07:14:29 PM
Thank you Stu. I was thinking about the chart table locker and wondering about the cable run. It sounds like the Mk II is very different from the Mk I.

I've read that article and, frankly, I think it's safer (for me) to find an electrical engineer to do the installation.

Before that I just wanted to try to work out where everything could go.

QuoteWow this sounds like an amazing adventure!  You must have been planning and preparing this for a long time.  Will you be documenting the trip via a youtube channel?  I definitely would follow along, and no doubt many others too

The original plan, about 2 years ago, was to sail across, but we canned that idea after doing some offshore sailing. The latest plan is pretty new but we're retiring and its time get on with it.

I don't think the world needs another sailing Vlog!