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Messages - Threaden Sails

Thanks everyone for the replies and moral support- it is very welcome.  Thanks for the links too- its all very helpful.  I'm starting from zero with my knowledge of boat repair, so seeing what others have done is incredibly useful.
  I don't know why I said those plates are steel.  Upon reading the mainsheet articles, it looks like the plates (if they are original) are bronze.  They are threaded.  In fact, as Stu said, there is nothing underneath but air.  So those threads were doing all the work.  And a fairly good job I suppose since the track stayed in place for 30 years. 

The question now becomes, since I snapped my plates in half, do I need to replace those plates with bronze or aluminum, or can I just build it up with epoxy or fiberglass?  Previously the plates and threading were doing the work, but now I will be thru bolting the track.  In fact I may go ahead and thru bolt it in a few spots rather than just the two on each side that Catalina suggests.  Perhaps an outboard and an inboard thru bolt on each side? 

Sorry if this is all basic stuff.  As I said this type of work is all new to me, and I definitely don't have the knowledge or understanding that some of you more experienced guys may have. Obviously If I had thru bolted the track before the plates failed this wouldn't be a problem-  The thru bolting seems pretty straight forward and well documented.  I'm just a little overwhelmed on where to start with my repair work.

I will reach out to Gerry Douglass and see if I can get any ideas of how I should proceed from him.
Now I'm gonna go back to pounding the impact driver to see if I can get those old bolts out- or if I need to order a new track  :?
Hi everyone.  I'm a new member and it's my first post on here-  Glad I finally joined.  Unfortunately I really wish I had done those essential upgrades that are listed on here- afraid I found this website a little too late.  So this can serve as a reminder, for anyone who hasn't yet thru bolted their traveler- DO IT NOW!  I didn't...

Last week my traveler came out of the deck, and I'm looking for any help I can get on repairing the damage.  Is there anyone else on here who has had to go through a similar repair process?  I've got a new to me 1986 Catalina 34.  I don't believe that I have the original track, it looks to me as though a previous owner may have upgraded the track and traveler at some point (unfortunately they didn't thru-bolt it).  Underneath the fiberglass the traveler was bolted into a small steel plate and then into more fiberglass with 4" threaded bolts.  The steel plate cracked in half (or maybe was installed as two pieces?), and the fiberglass all around the traveler tore out.  My plan now is to fill with epoxy and either a new steel plate or g10 board, and then either gelcoat on top of it or top it with a pretty stainless steel plate.  I'm brand new to fiberglass repair, and have never attempted this type of project, so I worry about my ability to make it look good.  I ordered the 9" bolts from Catalina direct and you can be sure I'm thru bolting it in this time. 
Does this sound right to you more experienced sailors?  Anyone have any advice for me?
Right now I'm stuck on the first step- getting the bolts out of the old track.  I'm afraid I may have to order a new track if I can't get these little monsters out.