I have read all of your replies and and considered them carefully. I think the key thing here...the crux of the problem is this: how much shock can a given material withstand before it will snap. Common ground tackle for commercial vessels in the Pacific NW has always been chain followed by cable. In order to mitigate shock the placement of a buoy along the rode can be deployed. Is it possible to determine how much shock a particular rode is likely to experience in the most horrendous conditions? 3/8 spectra has a working load limit of around 13000 lbs which is 3x that of 5/8 Novabraid. The only reason i want this to work is because I can fit 300' on my winch. I want that scope. Price is not a factor here. One thing is certain. If I do decide that spectra is the best fit for my particular operation I will certainly be deploying a buoy on the rode.