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Messages - ealterman

The house fresh water pump (Jabsco 31750-0000) on my C34 (2005 model) has died, the pump is completely dead. A service kit will not do the job. So I need a replacement. The 31750 model is no longer available and Jabsco (now Xylem) says that the 42755 series is the "nearest" to the old model - but it is larger and would require a significant rework of the area where the pump is located (under the sink).

Has anyone replaced that pump with a model that would be easier to install? Or do you have any suggestions for an alternative pump?

Elliott Alterman
In my new-to-me 2005 C34 II, I am thinking about replacing the chain (perhaps make it an all chain rode - maybe). Is there a size spec for the Maxwell VW 500 windlass that came from the factory? Or do I have to send a sample to a chain source to get that info?

Also, when anchoring, the anchor bashes into the roller furler on both lowering and raising it- I am concerned about long term damage. Has anyone come up with a solution to the problem. The anchor is a Rocna 15 (works GREAT).
Late to the posting about C 34 mainsheet size but I have a similar problem.
The 1/2 inch line keeps slipping out of the clm cleat. A 7/16 line stays nicely but I don't know what the minimum sheet size is.
We're planning to install a 6Kbtu Dometic Air Conditioner with the Smart Start option on our C34 II and plan to power it, occasionally, with a Honda 1K gen while on the hook. I have lots of experience with the Honda 2K gen, but my shoulders limit how much I can now comfortably lift and move so I hope to be able to use the 1K instead.

We chose the 6Kbtu as the configuration to just make things tolerable, not cold.

If anyone has actual experience (good or bad) I would like to hear from you. Also any suggestions, considerations, or warnings would be appreciated.

Elliott Alterman
New to the list but intrigued by your boat.

We have just sold our boat and are looking for a new one - your boat looks very compatible with our interests.

Is it still available?

Elliott Alterman
We are considering purchase of a C34 Mark II and have a number of questions:

What, if any, structural, cosmetic, equipment  or general changes were made to that model over the production run. That is, are there features or differences to be found later in the run that were not in the earlier models?

Also, having no experience with in-mast furling, what is the consensus regarding its effect on sailing performance on the C34?

What is the realistic expectation of performance (i.e., speed) under power? In general terms, how would you characterize performance under sail?  How well does it point? How does it perform under gusty conditions - does it round up? How does the normal wheel autopilot perform? Has anyone installed an under-deck autopilot?

What kinds of maintenance and service issues can one expect with a C34? Blisters, engine, transmission, steering, mast, etc.

Your thoughts and experiences are much appreciated!!


Elliott Alterman