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Messages - PamC

Main Message Board / Re: First look at 1986 C-34 today
September 21, 2012, 02:48:08 PM
I think my husband and I are your west coast equivalents.  We've been looking at early 34's on the west coast for a bit and currently have  an '87 under contract.  Next Thursday we have our survey & sea trial.  Thanks for your post as now I will pay extra attention to the interior of the galley cabinets, one of the few spots I didn't scrutinize when we viewed the boat a couple of weeks ago.   :think

Best of luck on your search! :thumb:

I am a C25 owner, planning on becoming a C34 owner, who entertained a brief daliance with the idea of becoming a C42 owner.  During that affair I changed my membership from the C25IA to the C42IA.  And now that I've seen the light I realize I belong in the C34IA.   :?  I will second that having the open forums are important to those of us who are in the research phase, and who will likely become members when we make our rattled minds up on which Catalina we want. :thumb: