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Messages - Jim Hardesty

Main Message Board / Re: Racor vacuumm pressures
September 13, 2024, 03:39:32 AM

I also installed a vacuum gage and monitor it.  Don't find it to be very useful.  FWIW, I use the 10 micon raycor and Universal spin-on. 
My filter check is to run the boat at full throttle in calm water if it builds to full rpm, 2850+ for Shamrock, the filters are good enough for me.  If not, I change both filters at first convenient time.  I have cruised for a day or two till I got to a place to dispose of the old filters and rags with no problem.  Changing one hasn't worked.
IMHO.  Changing fuel filters on a schedule isn't always useful.  With good, clean fuel the filters stay clean a long time.  Many fill ups and seasons.  Dirty fuel may need many filter changes with one bad fill up of dirty fuel.

Main Message Board / Re: New Owner Questions
September 10, 2024, 09:18:07 AM
QuoteThe main table down below wobbles. It is not the bolted in collar around it, just that the table wobbles in the collar. Thinking about stuffing a piece of rubber in there. Any ideas?

There're some attempted fixes written up here, search and read but none really stops the wobble.  I got tired of the wobble and put a brace under the table to the compression post. No more wobble, can cut a steak without spilling wine. :thumb:   A couple of taped holes into the compression post and one screw on the bottom of the table.  Can't see the mod, hasn't been a problem for me, and if I do want to move the table it's only one screw. 
Tried to post pictures, but not working like it used to.  Darn computer "upgrades".
Main Message Board / Re: Wing Keel Smile
September 09, 2024, 01:48:41 PM
It doesn't look serious from the pictures.  I second Alex to re-torque the keel bolts and do cosmetic repair at next bottom job.  If you live in an area that winter storage is necessary make sure that the boat is properly blocked overwinter.
Lots of luck with your new-to-you boat.  Hope you enjoy her as much as I enjoy Shamrock.
Main Message Board / Re: New Owner Questions
August 31, 2024, 04:15:34 AM
Quote from: krafty81 on August 30, 2024, 02:30:18 PMOne more question - the Raymarine console does not show wind speed or direction. At the top of the mast, the wind sensor is spinning and the pointer points. Looks like a pretty new install of the multi-function screen. Any idea what the issue could be? Trying to get a feel for the scope of the repair. Will be back on the boat pierside in a few days, wondering if there is any troubleshooting I could do at that time. Have not closed the deal yet.

Because you have not closed yet I would say not much troubleshooting you could do.  No easy things like a fuse.  I suggest you bring binoculars with you and take a close look at the wind vane from the dock, look closely at the connection and wire at the masthead.  That's all that can be done without digging in and tracking wiring. 
Each install is a bit different so there's no way to tell without seeing it.  Basically there's wires to the back of the gage, probably to a distribution block and other instruments, ie autopilot, then to the mast base where there is another connection, then up the mast. Not easy troubleshooting.
I would not assume it was correct to begin with, it may not have ever worked.
I know it's not the answer you were looking for.  It could be a simple connector problem or anything else in the system.
Main Message Board / Re: Exhaust fumes
August 30, 2024, 05:41:19 AM
A couple of days ago I was crossing Lake Erie, motoring, and the wind was 7 knots right behind me.  Didn't have much else to do so was thinking of your problem, was a few sniffs of fumes.  Got out my portable 12 volt fan, Cafamo, and adjusted it to blow towards the stern.  It seemed to work on the few fumes I was getting.  An hour or so later the wind built and shifted, had a great sail into Port Dover, Ontario.  Of course the fan was put back.
Main Message Board / Re: Exhaust fumes
August 25, 2024, 05:50:08 AM
QuoteToday I motored for a long time.  The exhaust smell was fairly strong, so I opened the dodger window, better but still there.  Opened the side window to dodger and better but still minimally there.  Finally, I folded the bimini back and Voila, 100% clean air.

Unfortunately this a terrible solution on most days; for lack of sun protection  from the bimini on sunny days and on colder days will have to keep the window closed.

Must be a way to divert the fumes elsewhere.

Here's an idea, if you have straps that adjust the angle/position of the bimini.  Experiment with adjusting as far in each direction as reasonable and see if it helps.  Do you have a filler between the dodger and bimini that may change things.
Because you experience fumes more than others I'm thinking that possibly it's the fit/cut of your canvas.
Main Message Board / Re: New Owner Questions
August 24, 2024, 06:34:27 AM
Sounds like your going to buy.  Congratulations!
My 2cents on the survey
Engine mounts maybe maybe not  I'd look close before changing. 
shaft seal is just maintenance.  May be time for new packing.
Zinks are maintenance.
Fuel filter bracket.  In the back of my mind think there was a factory, Westerbake, notice about that.  Caused by lack of radius on the stamping.
Not sure what is up with the wing nut.
Wind instrument not working.  Hope that's a bad plug or connection.
No engine alarms.  For me that was the alarm buzzer.  Changed to a generic louder one.
Alarms I don't have a bilge alarm, don't think it's necessary.  I do have a CO alarm, put that in when I bought my Honda generator.
That's just my thoughts while having my second cup of coffee.
Consider putting your boat information in your signature.  Helps getting the right answer.  Also your home port, location helps with answers and you just might find a nearby sister ship.
Main Message Board / Re: New Owner Questions
August 22, 2024, 10:32:43 AM
Shamrock came with a vberth mattress toper and fitted sheet that the PO had just purchased from "Tuffted Topers"  I really like them.  Did take a few tries to figure out how to put them on easily.  Marked the bow end and it's no problem putting them on.  I don't think that company is business anymore, shame.  As Noah said "Catalina Yacht Store" sells the fitted sheets.  A word of caution that's different than "Catalina Direct" many people confuse the two.
QuoteHi Jim, 'scuse my ignorance, but what is a joker valve?

No, I envy you.  Never having to deal with a plugged joker valve.  Google "joker valve" and lots of youtube on how to change.  It's called a joker valve because it looks like a joker's hat, it's a one way valve that prevents back flow back into the toilet bowel. It's rubber and prone to deterioration and calcium buildup.  I carry a spare. 
QuoteAnd now, no clean water remains in it after the flush.

With that symptom I think you need to change the joker valve.  It's a pretty clean job if done just after a pump out.
Main Message Board / Re: Cradle vs. Jackstands
August 21, 2024, 05:30:03 AM
QuoteIf I do, I need to make a decision about shipping my cradle or using jack stands.

Done right both ways work well. I use jack stands on the shore of Lake Erie, lots of winter winds.  My club is a hands-on club I set and adjust stands myself.  Never had a problem.  I own and use 9 stands, would be happy with 7.  One advantage of stands is that they can be moved to bottom paint.  Disadvantage is stands need to be checked over the winter, the ground freezing will change the tightness of the stands.
Suggest you search here lots of posts on both.
Main Message Board / Re: Mystery fluid in bilge
August 16, 2024, 03:19:47 PM
Quote from: Ron Hill on August 16, 2024, 01:58:43 PMGuys : I NEVER turn OFF the water pressure switch and I've NEVER heard the pump kick in when I turn on the battery selector switch!! That's over MANY years!!    :D

A thought

Neither do I.  Unless there's a leak.
Main Message Board / Re: fuel gauge
August 09, 2024, 06:20:21 AM
QuoteI've had trouble twice with the fuel gauge both times it was the sending unit. Sending units are cheap and can be found at any chandlery.

When I first bought Shamrock the sending unit was bad, replaced it with a generic one and it's been good for decades.  Helps if you remove the existing one and take it with you when you buy the new one.
FWIW  The hour meter is a much better and more accurate fuel gage.  Log when the fuel is topped off, I also write it on a whiteboard at nav station, then it's hours run times your burn rate, mine is .7 gal/hour guessing yours is more like .5 gal/hour.  Helps a lot with avoiding overfilling.
Main Message Board / Re: New Owner Questions
August 09, 2024, 04:32:14 AM
QuoteJust put a deposit on a very nice 2007 Catalina 34 MK II. Questions.

Congratulations!  Hope you enjoy her as much as I enjoy Shamrock.  Andy's list is pretty complete.  Catalina delt with most of the "critical updates" listed here on late model MKIIs.  Don't be disappointed by lack of a Maintenace log, brokers I know tell the owners to get rid of them, only bring up questions.  I do keep a detailed maintenance log. 
Sounds like the boat had light use, that's both good and bad, a lot of small problems may show up at first.  Just be prepared to deal with them and don't get discouraged.  Catalina is great at parts being available and of course lots of help here.