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Messages - Gary Brockman

I used a Garmin handheld to send data to various instruments when I first bought my boat. I had a cable that sent information out (0183) and 12v in and it worked very well.
Main Message Board / Re: Logo patch on sail cover
October 31, 2023, 02:15:40 PM
I think you can get these sail logos from nearly any sailmaker.
All of mine are smooth. You can get replacements from Garhauer if it is a problem.
Main Message Board / Re: Mystery sail
July 11, 2023, 04:51:26 PM
I think Steve is correct in that the 25157 is the boats assigned racing number from the Detroit Regional Yachting Association (last four numbers start with a 5) and the boats previous name was Quicksilver, or the sail came from another boat named Quicksilver.
Just finished the installation of a new Universal M25XPB in Squall. The PRM transmission is longer than the Hurth so we needed to install a shorter packing box and trim off part of the shaft to get the engine to fit. In order to get proper alignment, 3/8" pads had to be mounted under the engine mounts. To maintain a safe clearance, part of the top step had to be altered.

The Universal manual calls for a 50 hour initial conditioning period requirement.  It calls for running the engine at varying rpms during the first 25 hours of operation. For the second 25 hours the engine may be run at varying rpms with short runs at full rpm.

My question is what is running at varying rpms actually mean. So far, I have ran the engine for six hour, ranging my rpms from 1200 to 2400 for periods no longer than 10 minutes per setting. Is this the right amount of time for each setting, or is it too long, or can I go longer?

I am trying to get the initial 25 hours in by going out for 2 to 3 hours each day so I can have it completed by June 9th before a weekend of point to point races.

Thanks for any help I can get.
I think I recall that Airmar suggests that you should replace the paddlewheel and shaft every five years.
I've had both units as my Axiom 7 had problems and Raymarine replaced it with the +. The + seems to be a better touch screen in all conditions and sheds water pretty well. It also has a brighter screen.

Main Message Board / Re: Running Rigging
April 14, 2022, 04:23:31 PM
My mast is set up as Jib 1, Jib 2 and Spin 2 on Port and Main, Spin 2 on Starboard. The Spin halyards are crossed in the mast so that they are trimmed from the high side.

If you have a Raymarine Axiom Chart Plotter, they now have Catalina 34 Polars included in their recent versions of their Lighthouse software.
Main Message Board / Re: Sail inventory
January 12, 2022, 08:13:50 PM
I think it depends on what conditions you anticipate needing to use the sail in the most often. Are you going to be close/beam reaching or running more often? I have an A-3 (reacher) and an A-2 (runner) and I use the A-2 more often than i do the A-3. In light to moderate wind, I think you gain more impact with a runner than you do with a reacher. If the wind picks up, it's also harder to carry a reacher than a runner. Don't know if this helps, but i would go with the Easy furling gennaker.
I have had Tacktick instruments on Squall for about eight years and have been very happy with the information they provide, particularly true wind speed and true wind angle to the boat. My only complaint has been that on two occasions the wind data became intermittent and sometimes not at all. Raymarine said that although my tall rig was around the effective limit for the wireless masthead unit, the problem was likely in the sender. Each time I sent the masthead unit to Raymarine for repair, which was free the first time and $150 the second time. There have been no problems for the last four years.
Main Message Board / Re: Wooden Sole Refinishing
October 12, 2021, 04:41:16 PM
HL in Carson CA. made the original floor boards for Catalina, but unfortunately they went out of business around ten years ago
Main Message Board / Re: Replacing standing rigging
October 11, 2021, 09:36:29 AM
Two riggers separately told me that they could tell if the rigging was original by looking at the swedges. Apparently Catalina used a technique or a brand or something that they could instantly tell if it was original or replaced.
Main Message Board / Re: Replacing standing rigging
September 28, 2021, 10:00:48 AM
Two years ago, after hearing several stories about boats losing their masts and the insurance company not covering the cost of replacing them due to the age of the rigging and lack of maintenance, I had a rigger do an inspection of my rigging and give me a written report for my files. The report didn't find any issues with the rigging, but stated that although the rigging was not the original 1986 rigging, there was no way to tell how old the rigging was. Since I had already owned Squall for eleven years and the rigging wasn't new when I bought her, I decided to replace everything.

I used a local rigger who said he could do it in the slip and avoid the cost of having the mast taken down and daily yard charges. It took three days to complete the job. Cost of materials, including $500.00 for a 32 to 1 cascade system for the backstay, was $2,616.50, plus $1,050.00 for labor.
Airmar provides transducers for the majority of marine electronic companies. You can easily get replacement kits online from many sources. You need to know which model you have, such as a triducer vs just speed, as there are different kits for each. Heres a link to see the available kits:

When I replaced mine last year when the speedo would work sometimes and not others. It work work perfectly when out of the water and only intermittently when in the water. Airmar told me it was probably the pin. They also told me that the paddlewheel bearing should be replaced every 5 years.