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Messages - Benny

Main Message Board / re C34 keels
February 23, 2008, 06:09:58 PM
Thanks guys, the yachts I'm used to in Oz of course have keel bolts to hold the lead ballast to the hull/keel stub too. The shoal draft wing keel is useful to enter the many shallow bar entrances on our east coast. I have given away racing these days and find great pleasure in 'gunkholing' (an American term I believe). I would of course have items such as rigging, rudder checked/replaced
There have been longer voyages in lesser craft than a C34 (a bloke last year had an article in the 'Cruising Helmsman' magazine on sailing a 1985 Hunter back
I think its more of a case if me and my crew have the stamina!
Thanks again for the tips - regards, Benny.
Main Message Board / C 34 keels
February 21, 2008, 07:56:22 PM
Hello everyone I am a new guest. As we live in Australia I haven't had the chance to check this out. Have only ever seen one C34 (at sea). My query regards the keels on these yachts. Are they a bolt on type (from the outside?)
Have any members had any trouble with these keels coming loose? We are looking at flying to USA to buy  a C34 wing keel to sail back to Oz.
Love your web site.  regards, Benny.