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Messages - Catalina007

A very dramatic story, but there was virtually zero chance any of those racing boats would have hit you.
Did anyone actually answer his guys question ?
NGK  Y103K    Universal number  - 299517

Get them on Amazon about $8 each they will be at your house tomorrow
Main Message Board / Re: Support MAINE SAIL
November 04, 2021, 05:24:21 PM
Rod Collins
Group expert
Thanks Scott. The good news is that I beat the odds and survived astroke this kills most people who suffer one within two days. The bummer is I've lost my entire business and don't have the ability to run it any way.. even reading and writing are impacted..
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Rod Collins
Group expert
I am finally out of the hospital after 53 days!the rehab will be very long at home PT STARTS THURSDAY AND I can't left side I'is still paralyzed but my kik muscle in my left oreleg is starting to fire so I can take a few steps with a quad cane. Mostly I am in a wheel cair for now..
Main Message Board / Re: Custom bowsprit
October 31, 2021, 06:06:12 AM
Quote from: LogoFreak on October 28, 2021, 09:50:52 PM
There's provisions already for me to run a bob stay if I need it, I don't actually think I'll need on based on the design of the bowsprit itself. It only extends 20" past the bow of the boat and there's a ton of reinforcements in multiple directions. I installed a U-bolt about 4" above the waterline when I was on the hard last winter season in anticipation of this project so I can always run a dyneema bob stay.

A Code Zero requires a very stiff luff with lots of tension and a very big load on the halyard/sprit.  It would be wise to have a bobstay 
Am I correct in saying there is pretty much no place to stop between Cape May and Delaware City for a sailboat?
Main Message Board / Re: NYC to Philadelphia navigation
September 30, 2021, 01:46:53 PM
thanks all
I intend to skip any and all NJ inlets at any cost.
Main Message Board / NYC to Philadelphia navigation
September 28, 2021, 07:47:35 AM
Doing a delivery to Phila in a couple of weeks.
Just curious if anything special to  know about Delaware Bay and up the river here from our group.
I know its shallow, current, ship traffic. 
Main Message Board / Re: Wishing Rod a speedy recovery.
September 13, 2021, 07:04:42 AM
Quote from: britinusa on September 09, 2021, 10:57:12 AM
Just saw the notice on FB Boat Electrical Systems that Rodd, a major moderator of that group will be offline for a while needing a lot of re-hab. That kind of news is never good news. We'll be thinking of him. Hang in there Rodd.

++what happened to Rod?
Main Message Board / Re: Wishing Rod a speedy recovery.
September 10, 2021, 08:57:51 AM
OH NO. What happened to him?
Main Message Board / Re: Alternator troubleshoot
August 17, 2021, 07:46:33 AM
On prior post I mentioned I did the ammeter/voltmeter switch out already
Also increased sizes all Batt cables and wire from ALT to Solenoid   
I want to replace the balance of the harness wires over the winter
Main Message Board / Re: Alternator troubleshoot
August 14, 2021, 08:39:28 AM
Its light use with 2 x 100A house bank and 1  starting batt.  Daysailing occasional overnights.
Its impossible to get electrical or mechanical pro help. Just wanted to get functional right away for
remaining season and not out too much stress on a  35 yr old engine without more in depth analysis.
On a mooring no shore power. Have hooked up a 20v solar trickle charger also.   
She was probably running hot because the batts were drawn down so far and working hard. Hopefully they will come back up over 12v
but they are due for a change this winter anyway.  Might go to 72amp and keep this one for a spare.   
Prob upgrade the cabin panel to breakers as well - its still old agc fuses
And upgrade the engine wire harness
And new engine mounts
Do it in the winter sub 32F!
Main Message Board / Leaky fuel injector M25
August 10, 2021, 09:53:57 PM
I have leaky injector
I read a few of the threads  but they were old and suggested a new post rather than reply.
I need to tighten and/or replace crush washers on a leaky injector
I see references to two crush washers (#4 and #6 on attached diagram)
An aluminum one near the banjo and a copper one at the bottom of the injector.   
But I could only find one part number  Kubota 17011-53620
Main Message Board / Re: Alternator troubleshoot
August 10, 2021, 09:52:30 PM
I brought the old alternator to a local repair shop and it was declared dead.
I got a Mando 55 amp internal reg replacement for now which will keep us going until the end of the season in a few weeks.
Tach and Alt are working now and we are back in business. 
This winter will look at some battery and ext regulator etc

Question. How hot is normal for an alt to be while charging?  It was working hard  as the house bank had been drawn down, I measured
about 205 degree F.  If I put  a larger reg (say 72 amp)  would it work easier and cooler?
I did the new bracket, ammeter/voltmeter switch, new and increased wire sizes including from Alt to solenoid and battery cables.