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Messages - Les Luzar

Main Message Board / Re: Loving my C34
February 08, 2012, 09:12:19 AM
I agree with Stu that regardless of what you do, there will always be some blind spots. It's the nature of sailing. Here is a thought, why not experiment with reefing the head sail and see at what point there is enough visibility for the Admiral. This will give you the chance to test visibility and performance. On really windy days, I often reef my headsail and enjoy the added visibility.
Main Message Board / Re: Loving my C34
February 07, 2012, 11:25:16 AM
I often thought of having my 135 cut slightly above the Bow Pulpit to improve visibility and it would also keep the headsail from getting dirty from rubbing against the bow pulpit.
Main Message Board / Re: 12 volt outlet in cockpit
February 07, 2012, 09:33:43 AM
I have 12v power connection mounted on the starboard side aft seat right below my wood trim on my 87. It is right next to my autopilot power connection. You wouldn't even know it was there if you weren't looking.
Main Message Board / Re: Loving my C34
February 07, 2012, 09:23:04 AM
Have you thought about having the foot cut higher as opposed to adding a window on your genoa? Seems to me that a window will not solve the problem of poor visibility since there are so many points of sail where a boat could be approaching. Having the foot raised should not affect sailing performance that much and you will gain a lot more visibility this way. Just a thought!
One other point not mentioned is that I have seen a 4 year old HX 90 degree exhaust elbow become completely plugged with a hard calcium grit like substance so it would be a good idea to inspect these elbows whenever possible. If exhaust raw water flow seems to be restricted, at least this is something to be aware of and inspect.
Thanks Ron and Paul. Noted.
It was a really good video, which brought to mind one question: If our chainplates are ok, what about a larger style deck plate to allow for additional deck surface for sealing?
Main Message Board / Re: Coolant Hose in Port Locker
January 05, 2012, 05:32:49 PM
Thanks for the additional information I was actually wondering the same thing. At least I now know that my boat never came with the coolant recovery system in 87. But I have now added this item to my to-do list! I love this site, but the more I read, the longer my to-do list is becoming. It's endless. Ah, but I love it. I am going to have to retire so that I have more time to work on my boat!  :shock:
I'm with Stu,
Fix the throttle lever throw and "Go Sailing." I have too many other things on my to-do-list that I will probably never get to checking my true RPM. Anyway, Never pass up an opportunity on a nice day to go sailing.... :thumb:
I have a 87 with a M25XP and I tend to cruise at 2,700 RPM on my tachometer and my maximum RPM is 3,400. 80% of max rpm is 2,700 RPM. On smooth water this RPM gets me to 6.5 knots, and the engine seems happy at this speed. Just for your reference.
Main Message Board / Re: Coolant Hose in Port Locker
December 21, 2011, 09:25:52 AM
Those are good points. Thanks. I have always thought about adding this coolant reservoir but so far, this project keeps slipping down the list. Like Ralph says, the project list is endless.... and, I now have more ideas about where to locate it!
Main Message Board / Re: Coolant Hose in Port Locker
December 20, 2011, 03:31:53 PM
Mel low,
My 87 is set up just like yours under the sink in the head. I have a fuel pump, and fuel filter mounted on the wall and no room for a coolant tank. Looks like my boat never had a coolant tank or perhaps a PO removed it? Is there a critical reason to add one other than to easily check the fluid level? I have never in the five years of owning my boat seen coolant spill out into the engine compartment. If there were a leak in the system, it would replenish the coolant tank from the overflow reservoir, but that would only buy time unless the leak was spotted. And since we should be inspecting our engine frequently, is this reservoir really necessary or simply convenient?  :?
Half the fun of owning a boat is simply looking at it! That is a beautiful bottom job!
Viagra does funny things to the mind!  :shock:
Main Message Board / Re: Replacing Main Halyard
December 12, 2011, 09:34:05 AM
Thanks for the picture. It certainly looks like a good answer to the binding problem. I am definitely adding this idea to my project list!  :thumb:
