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Topics - Bruce & Sandi L

Main Message Board / Vegtable oil smell?
February 02, 2008, 10:56:34 AM
So we did the veg oil thing to lubricate. If a little is good a lot should be better right? So I left it in there several days. Now we have a strange smell when we flush. Not crappy, just strange. Anyone ever been that dumb? If so were you able to get rid of the dead vegetable oil smell? Omygodwhatnext!
Main Message Board / Adler Barbour Cold Machine pressure
February 02, 2008, 10:51:02 AM
Once again stuck in Mexico with a US question. I called Adler Barbour and found they are now owned by Dometic, and do not have the specks for my old sorta reliable Cold Machine. I have the gear to change the freon, but need to know the proper low pressure. 1986 boat, but not sure the year of the Machine. Probably nearly that old. Can anyone help. I did search the spreadsheet, but didn't get this answered.
Thanks, Bruce
Main Message Board / Raritan Head Maintenance
November 07, 2007, 07:35:40 AM
When at sea and not using the holding tank what is recommended for maintenance and how often?  Vinegar and vegetable oil have been recommended.  What portions and how often?
Main Message Board / Portlights
September 17, 2007, 05:13:48 PM
Can anyone tell me if all the port lights were the same brand on 1986 models, and if so what brand? I need to take some new screens along when I make the long trip to our boat next month.
Main Message Board / Replacement transmission cable
September 14, 2007, 12:09:42 PM
My boat is just down the street 1600 miles. I'm heading that way soon, and would like to take a spare transmission cable with me when I go. It's a 1986, hull 203. Can anyone tell me where I can be sure to get the correct cable, and perhaps the correct length. After reading some of the old posts and tech notes I am in fear. It's a long swim back.
Main Message Board / Sprung a leak
November 30, 2006, 05:33:58 PM
I just launched my 1986 hull after7 months on the hard, and it started leaking. It was coming in through a thin skin over a hollow section just forward of the rudder shaft housing. I put the boat back on the hard, and found a little soft spot at the base of the prop shaft strut. I started digging and found a whole area of water penetrated filler around the strut, but it is really outside the hull itself, and perhaps too far forward of the hollow area to be leaking into it. Any ideas or past experence?
Main Message Board / V-Birth Measurements
August 19, 2006, 10:07:48 AM
Can anyone tell me the measurements to make fitted sheets for a 1986, or where to buy them already made up?
Main Message Board / V-birth Bedding
August 15, 2006, 11:18:04 AM
Does anyone have measurements for making fitted sheets for the v-birth on early models. Or, the name of a place to buy them pre-made?
Main Message Board / Head Plumbing
November 06, 2005, 11:26:29 AM
I bought hull #203 in Mexico last winter. The former owner had removed the holding tank, pump, and most of the plumbing. I have a new tank, and the diagram of the origonial plumbing, but I have nothing That shows  the sizes and lengths of the hoses. Does anyone have that data handy?

Thanks, Bruce (Bugsy) Landolt