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Topics - Hokie

Main Message Board / Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 24, 2015, 06:38:21 PM
I live in Newport News, Virginia and I'm looking for a 30 or 34' Catalina to sail on the James River and points beyond but I know very little about the performance of them as I have never been aboard one and I need some guidance from knowledgeable sources. My questions are: tall rig vs. standard, deep fin keel vs. standard, can I purchase a good 34 for $25,000-$30,000, does the 34 have  a noticeably larger cockpit than the 30, what problems should I look for when inspecting, what does the 34 do that the 30 can't  and any other advice you might have. I don't want to race anymore but I do like to go fast from time to time. I really appreciate your help and would like to purchase one soon.
