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Topics - boblin

Main Message Board / 0ld electronics integrated ???
April 17, 2016, 06:59:44 PM
my 1988 has the original knot meter, depth, and wind gauges  I believe they are Auto Helm ST60. It also has an GPS that has a some what detailed map wise monitor in the cabin and gives lat. and long. at the helm (isn't working) . The Knot and depth are on one gauge and work well the wind meter is out for repair. My question is are these all stand alone gauges. I would like to update the GPS but I don't know if removing the old GPS would effect the other gauges if they are somehow integrated. It also has the original auto helm that works fine.



Main Message Board / crossbeam repair
March 31, 2016, 08:01:56 AM
The crossbeam aft of the bilge pump area has a vertical crack on the port side. I looks like it has been repaired before.  Surveyer says common problem with tall rig- fin keel boats? Thinking about installing through bolted SS plates (1/8x3x18) on each side filling any voids w/ epoxy rather then piling on more fibre glass.
Any ideas on this?

Main Message Board / impeller knot meter
December 24, 2015, 07:03:12 AM
I'm looking for a Auto Helm knot meter impeller. Anybody out there got a source.


Main Message Board / Moisture in cockpit floor
October 19, 2015, 10:38:40 AM
Found some moisture in cockpit floor. It is solid at the hatch (18" away) and surprisingly solid at the pedestal (12"away) there is a spot right in the middle that is showing moisture and sounding little hollow. The deck itself feels very solid under foot. Any ideas where I might start looking?


Main Message Board / cabin switch replacement
October 12, 2015, 07:13:26 PM
Are the gang switches on the cabin control panel (1988) available for replacement, or does the whole panel have to be replaced?


Main Message Board / BACK STAY RELEASE
September 02, 2015, 10:48:21 AM
Hello everyone, getting ready to haul our tall rig keel stepped mast boat for an inspection. Our derrick because of its height or lack of can only position the lifting jig if the back stay is unhooked which is what the derrick boss tells me is how its done. I do not see any easy way to get to the forestay to release the turnbuckle to keep equal tension on both sides. Could use the main halyard for temporary stay but at some point it to will have to be released to position lifting jig  Derrick guy says mid stays will support mast? Any thoughts?


Main Message Board / refrigeration repair/replace
August 03, 2015, 02:33:22 PM
My compressor is not working, and I'm wondering which way to go. Repair guy says it could be rebuilt or replaced with new but it would take new fittings on evaporator lines and a complete evacuation of lines and refill ($$$$)and I would still have a 27 year old evaporator. He recommended a complete new system (compressor and evaporator) that is pre-charged and pretty easy to self install. Any thoughts on this? My compressor is located on port side of aft locker.


Main Message Board / Adler Barbour module removal
June 29, 2015, 12:56:29 PM
Any body know how to remove the module off of an A.B. refer. compressor 1988 C-34 OEM. Been hanging upside down for few hours and removed every screw I could find but no luck. 


Main Message Board / schematic for alarms on 88 MK1
June 21, 2015, 08:06:56 AM
Just finished rewiring of engine harness and somewhere along the line I got the alarm wires connected wrong. Is there a good schematic of how these are to be hooked up? Red wire from alarm was not moved and is hooked to 12V + where do the grounds hook up? I've gone in to the archives but could not find a clear picture of the alarms.

As usual thanks so much for this forum.

Any idea where I can find toggle blocks that pin to post at base of mast. PO has pretty blocks shackled to post but they are to high off deck and halyard is rubbing top of deck organizer, don't need any more friction there.

Thanks much

Main Message Board / cabin switch replacement
May 18, 2015, 05:24:54 AM
Just wondering if the switches or banks of switches can be replaced on DP, I have several that have intermittent contact.


Main Message Board / Polyglow removal
April 27, 2015, 05:11:33 PM
      We have been trying to remove Polyglow from hull and topsides of our 34. The Polyglow stripper has removed the most recent coats (last season) but will not touch the older stuff. PO told me he put 2 coats on every season and he owned boat for 10 yrs? We have tried scotchbrite pads, abrasive pads and scrub brushes with very little success. We have gone over each area at least 3 times. We have also tried some cutting compound with buffer, didn't even scratch it. Any ideas out there?

