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Topics - crieders

Main Message Board / Winter projects
October 07, 2024, 12:11:32 PM
1. fuel tank. 35 years old, 1990 boat. some pitting. Is there a time to replace?
2. water tanks. hard to inspect the stern one. they are apparently plastic. Same questions. Time to replace?
After 34 years it's time to replace the molded hose that comes out of front of engine for closed cooling system and the hose that runs back to the heat exchanger. Where to obtain and size? Thanks
Dumbest mishap ever. Put 23 gallons of diesel into empty stern water tank in error before catching it. Let it run into bilge, pumped it into buckets and properly disposed of it. Cleaned up as well. What is best way to assure that the water tank is clean. The very helpful fellow at the dock said vodka!
Main Message Board / Keenan Filters
May 29, 2024, 12:17:36 PM
opinions of Keenan Filters for fuel polishing etc
cost for our boats about 1325 bucks! Thanks
Main Message Board / conversion to propane
May 16, 2024, 11:09:02 AM
I still have the original CNG installation
would like to convert to Propane but of course do not have a propane locker and that boat has the simple sugar scoop stern, no walk thru
so where to put it, is my concern. Thanks
Main Message Board / Polyglow
April 21, 2024, 07:28:07 PM
I used it for the deck and non skid 2 seasons ago per instructions. Freshioned it last season.
Now it looks like sealed in dirt.
I used their removal agent and it hardly works. Was a miserable day trying.
Any easier or faster way to get it off the deck and nonskid?
PS, it's not bad on the hull and I thought i would leave it there, if I can clean the few black streaks.
what is the distance between the battery bank the engine. I want to install 1AWG wiring on pos and neg side, given the age of the wiring. Thanks very much
Main Message Board / Tides sail handling system
November 20, 2023, 06:10:43 PM
I posted on this last spring
Does anyone have measurements for the length from the opening slot, upper portion, to the top of the mast on a c34 tall rig, 1990 vintage?
I do not trust the accuracy of mine and wanted to check it out. Thanks
Main Message Board / Location for AIS GPS antenna
September 24, 2023, 01:01:13 PM
I am installing an AIS in the locker back of the radio. Question: where have folks mounted the AIS GPS antenna and where does the cable run ? Thanks very much.
has anyone replaced our speed paddle wheels, which keep getting mucked up, with the new ultrasonic variety?
After putting buss bars on batteries over the winter, i turned on the battery switch on the other day and nada. No power.
The volt meter shows normal current in the batteries and they check out with a meter
When i put the buss bars on, I dropped a wire on one of the poles, a positive, and was a big spark but seemed everything worked right after that.
Question is whether I should replace the battery on switch at the panal. Fuses are all good. I did check that.
Panal is from 1989, according to the label.
Main Message Board / Tides Mainsail system
January 17, 2023, 05:09:53 AM
i have a 1990 tall rig. Sail never easy to raise on the painted mast although I  put really good slides on years ago. Have decided on Tides system which everyone seems to rave about. Wonder what experiences people have had on this group? thanks
Main Message Board / rudder issue?
November 15, 2022, 08:08:54 AM
While inspecting the boat on the hard, I tried to push on the rudder. It  has a tiny bit of movement. The "ring" between the rudder and the boat bottom is loose, as it has always been. Any reason for concern or a fix? Thnks very much.
Main Message Board / New Bomar hatch installation
October 06, 2022, 06:04:21 PM
Any good instructions on this?
For the hatch right behind the mast?
Some literature i have read suggests epoxy as a sealant and others, the good old 3M caulking?
Would you fill the prior screw holes with epoxy?
how is that done?
i recall having it on the old instruments but when I installed the new ones, I did not see that adjustment
any thoughts?
Main Message Board / Keyed Ignition
June 20, 2022, 07:10:24 AM
While on a lovely Father's Day Sail in the Chesapeake, I managed to shear the key in the ignition switch with the engine off  while still sailing  in 21 knot  plus winds. my son removed the instrument panel and I jump started the engine. With the key still in the ignition, I thought of just replacing it with new 3 position switch from West.  Anything special I should know about what to use or how to do it?
Main Message Board / Hatch
May 30, 2022, 01:04:21 PM
The hatch behind the mast is leaking
Given that it's 1990, have folks replaced the hatch or bought a kit?
What is the replacement hatch?
replaced one plug but need a special socket tool to get out the other two
any thoughts about a good tool perhaps on Amazon. Need to know socket size. Thanks
Main Message Board / Prop Paint
January 26, 2022, 08:19:56 AM
having moved from LI Sound to northern Chesapeake, I have had no luck with the Petite Spray on paint. Worthless. What have people had success with?
Main Message Board / Prop paint-velox plus
January 17, 2022, 09:32:04 AM
since the spray on stuff is worthless, has anyone used velox plus?
Main Message Board / Dorade box replacement
January 02, 2022, 11:10:39 AM
Time to replace the dorade boxes
Some people have used the Nicro solar replacement, which does not look like much.
And others have suggested Vetus, Plastimo etc
Naturally I would like not to have to drill new holes and to use my old cowl vents that i carefully repainted with white enamel inside and gold leaf paint on the outside (never tarnishes that way)
Is the opening to the cabin 3 1/2 ?
Some of the options are no longer made. Wonder if anyone has done this recently?
any good article around about how to use a multimeter to check solenoids for starting motor, glo plugs, ground, starting motor itself? . Engine turns over with no umph; not enough energy to start the engine. Batteries do check out ok, even as to available cranking power.
Main Message Board / Barnacles
December 22, 2021, 12:50:16 PM
When I hauled the boat out of the Chesapeake, these pesky little barnacles were on the depth and speed wheel unit which I had zinc coated.  They are hard as rocks, and seem impossible to get off.  What is the best way to get them off without damaging anything?  The zinc spray paint was absolutely worthless, and I will never use it again.
Main Message Board / Model/Make Glo Plugs for our engines
November 03, 2021, 02:08:04 PM
I want to order new glo plugs
Anyone who has done this, what make and model number to purchase? Favorite place to buy them?
after checking wiring etc I am going to replace this winter the glo plugs and fuel injectors
2 questions? size of wrench opening and
which is better swivel wrench or ratcheting type?
Main Message Board / Engine slow turnover
September 14, 2021, 08:47:45 AM
Engine turns over very slowly when cold and needs to be done at least twice before will start. In subsequent starts when warmed up is fine. Batteries are fully charged. I thought I would check wiring first. All looks connected but I am wondering if anyone has posted on how to trouble shoot this type of thing? Thanks very much.
Main Message Board / Fuel injectors useful life
February 23, 2021, 05:29:12 AM
my boat is 30yrs old. 1000hrs or less on Universal
do fuel injectors have a useful life after which they should be replaced?
Main Message Board / Thru hull
January 11, 2021, 03:53:06 PM
I looked on tech notes for removal and replacement and did find anything
On the internet there are various approaches
Main Message Board / Head plumbing
January 10, 2021, 05:50:27 PM
I set out to replace the hose for the head intake which runs behind the liner but oddly I could not find out where it is located  before it comes back to the head
I even have a hole cut out behind the head where I am  putting in a small locker and I still could not figure it out
Main Message Board / Cleat Size; Photo From Underneath
January 05, 2021, 12:57:43 PM
What is attached is a picture from underneath the cleat. There was some movement in the cleat after the boat was tied up during a storm with high winds.  My thought is to replace it, perhaps with a little bit bigger studs, although hopefully in the same holes.  I would also use a backing plate.  Any recommendations for size and manufacture?
Main Message Board / Stern Cleat
December 24, 2020, 04:40:17 PM
Needs to be re bedded or replaced
Any ideas concerning dimensions of current one?
Main Message Board / loose stern anchor clean
November 24, 2020, 06:51:53 AM
Thanks to 55 kt winds, the stern anchor cleat is now a bit loose
I want to repair it with a backing plate but I want to be sure that I do it the correct way since it is so important. I assume the studs are part of the cleat; so would folks get an entirely new cleat, drill new holes etc?
Main Message Board / Access Panel in Head
October 13, 2020, 12:37:25 PM
Anyone put an access panel in seat in the head?
Main Message Board / Rod at Vela Sailing
October 09, 2020, 05:42:41 AM
Re:           Rod at Vela Sailing
      Phone:  877-240-8352


   I recently purchased a serious amount of sailing supplies – rigging ropes, etc. – from Rod at Vela.  He is extremely knowledgeable and very quick to deliver.  Free shipping over $98.  I have had good experience with him and thought I would pass it on.

                  Cliff Rieders
Main Message Board / marine surveryors, Orient NC
September 24, 2020, 11:34:46 AM
any recommendations. looking at a Catalina there. Thanks
Like all Catalina tall rigs of my boat's vintage, she came with slab reefing. I converted it to single line reefing led back to cabin top like many other owners did. What is the proper length of each line and diameter? Thanks.
Main Message Board / Stainless Screws in Aluminum
August 06, 2020, 02:22:29 PM
need to replace cables. Figured out length and obtained Edson's print out of the way to do it. but of the 4 screws down thru the binnacle only 1 came out. the others are fast tight in spite of tons of lubricant and a 3 foot long screw driver as well as impact driver. no budge. Whats the next safe step?
2 distinct questions:
1. i want to re bed the chain plates and re bed the studs (bolts) and nuts. What are the sizes and whats a good place to buy them?
2. Cable in the mast to be replaced. Is southwire RG 8x mini the right product or R 59. I am told that the resistance in ohms is wrong for the R59
Thanks very much
Main Message Board / cutlass bearing size defined
May 05, 2020, 05:42:07 AM
Been a few years and I will press out the old one and put in a new
whats the size/type for our 34's and what is the best place to order? thanks and stay healthy!!
Main Message Board / sole: blackened areas
February 21, 2020, 09:15:29 AM
the 8 foot long sole piece has several blackened areas, I assume from water getting in underneath
I was going to replace it but I am told that what I measured as 3/8 is non standard and does not exist anymore...only 1/2 inch.
What is the standard thickness of the sole in our boats? Mine is hull 1022
Main Message Board / Repainting mast
January 31, 2020, 12:40:20 PM
Any good protocol for preparing and repainting the mast now that it is out?
Main Message Board / Repainting mast
January 31, 2020, 11:59:59 AM
Any good protocol for preparing and repainting the mast now that it is out?
Main Message Board / new roller furling
January 15, 2020, 02:02:17 PM
i have decided to replace my harken with a new one when  I do new standing rigging this winter.
trying to decide between Mark IV vs Esp...both unit #1
I wonder what others have done?
I have the tall rig and I said with a 150-155 head sail
Also where folks have purchased the units.
Main Message Board / Catalina Smile
January 07, 2020, 10:53:17 AM
The Catalina Smile is back  :D . I have seen some discussion about this over the years.  What is the best way to handle?  I am reluctant to start grinding out any part of the keep and perhaps this is just a surface impurity.  What is your thinking on this.  (Video available but too large to post in the forum).
Main Message Board / size of our frig box
November 06, 2019, 04:23:33 AM
i am replacing my old Isotherm holding plate system which was never very reliable anyway; the condenser is shot. What is the size  in cubic feet of box? Mine is a 1990 boat. what system do people like and find reliable. I would love not to have to replumb the copper lines...and just replace the condenser
Main Message Board / Running Cables for Windlass
September 17, 2019, 06:10:20 AM
i installed a new Maxwell Windlass in the anchor locker and now I am ready to wire it; would the 2 big AWG 1 cables run under the sole or is their an easier way to get them to the battery box ?
Main Message Board / Ye old windless question
May 10, 2019, 01:56:22 PM
I have done some investigating including the one done on a Catalina 1990 boat just a few hull numbers from mine. I have the same locker set up etc.
I have a new 35lb Manson anchor and older rubber covered chain (about 3 feet) attached to 3/4 inch line. In any event, I am looking for a good and reliable windless model. any suggestions. I like the Lewmar stuff but the one used in the tech post is not made anymore. Thanks very much
I noticed when I went to check out the boat that I failed to drain the hot water heater this year. So I promptly drained it!!  Any chance it survived?
Where does the swivel plate get mounted on the boat?
Any pictures that anyone has?
Main Message Board / Ultrasonic Sensor
February 15, 2019, 08:35:41 AM
anyone replace our old Airmar paddle wheel sensors with new ultrasonic ones? what happens when they get dirty? Same issues? Will they work with older Raymarine products?