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Messages - AndyBC

Great report, sounds like an epic trip!!  Any photos to share?

What was your average cruising speed?  How did the auto-pilot handle the swells - did you have to take over at times when the wind was too strong?

Did you buddy boat with the Catalina 350 for a bit or did you go in different directions?
Main Message Board / Re: New Owner Questions
August 08, 2024, 10:30:07 PM
Congrats!  Exciting times.

Yes the owners manual can be found in the Tech Wiki here under Documents

Yes you should always have a mechanical survey done (including oil sample analysis) as part of the purchase process, regardless of the engine hours.  It'll be the best bang for the buck you'll ever spend on the boat.

A few thoughts off the top of my head RE key things to look for during the survey:
-Through hulls in good condition and seacocks move freely?  I have 7 on my MK2
-Condition of the engine mounts?
-Holding tank & hoses not leaking?  Would suck to replace these
-Fuel tank not leaking?  This would also suck to replace but usually a surveyor wouldn't have access to this unfortunately, unless the owner allows the surveyor to remove one of the cabin aft panels to inspect it
-Hot water tank not leaking?
-How old is the dripless bellows (apparently should be replaced every 6-7 years).  If no dripless shaft seal, is the shaft log hose in good shape and stuffing box not leaking excessively at rest?
-When I was boat shopping, I always looked at the bilge: is it dry and clean, or is it full of swampy liquid?  I also looked at the engine bilge: clean or dirty?
-Condition of standing rigging?
-Condition of the sails?
-Any soft spots on the deck, evidence of water intrusion?  Chain plates and area under steering pedestal are two important places to check
-Underside: any blisters? cutlass bearing good? keel: any evidence of grounding or separation?
-Lastly ask the owner for a maintenance log.  A good owner should have one, which will give you insight into how the boat has been maintained.
Main Message Board / Re: fuel gauge
August 08, 2024, 09:53:19 PM
Looks like you completed step 1 of 4 for the fuel gauge test procedure.  Your gauge appears not to be the issue.  You'll need to complete the other 3 steps to isolate the problem.  I had this issue at the beginning of this season - I ended up replacing the fuel sender.
Super helpful, thanks very much Ken!  As Jim mentioned above, the engine oil extractor has been cumbersome

Quote from: KWKloeber on June 25, 2024, 06:09:23 PM
Quote from: AndyBC on June 24, 2024, 09:51:19 AMJim what do you use to suck out the transmission fluid?  Same method for sucking out the engine oil?

Andy I have a 12v pump set up that I use for both.,9554.msg72039.html#msg72039

The beautiful thing (I find) about it is that the "wand" is 1/8" stiff poly tubing that I can direct to/reach every corner that I ever needed to in order to grab the last bit of fluids.

The best part is that besides fluid changes (and I do this whenever possible) it can be multi-use in an emergency.  i.e., emergency cooling sea water pump, emergency fuel lift pump, fuel transfer pump.  And I can use it as a washdown pump.

Here's ways I refill to the proper level:

Jim what do you use to suck out the transmission fluid?  Same method for sucking out the engine oil?

Regarding overfilling the transmission: I haven't done this.  According to the manual, it's not needed for just seasonal lay up.  Only longer term (1+ years).  Have you always overfilled, or only started doing it because of an issue?

Quote from: Jim Hardesty on June 24, 2024, 04:10:31 AMIt's part of my annual maintenance to drain (suck out) and over fill the transmission in the fall the draw down to the proper level in the spring.  Several years ago found that the only Dextron (latest number) offered was synthetic. Suppose to be compatible with previous Dextron. I've been using that, Castrol, but any brand would do. I have not had any problems.
Like you I also try to use what works, but in this case I'm buying the new synthetic because it's available and may be better.  At a higher cost.
Quote from: girmann on April 22, 2024, 07:09:02 AMI can verify this. I bought the Raymarine all in box set with wind, knot meter, depth and temperature and a couple of i70 displays. All was installed except for the triducer. It was a DST810 and does not fit in the same size through hull. I was going to leave the old depth sounder in there, rather than doing all that glass work.

What's the model of your old depth transducer that didn't fit?  I also recently bought the i70 package.  I have the old Autohelm ST50 paired with the DT800 depth transducer.  My research indicated that the DST800 is the same size as the old DT800.  I'll find out when at the boat next in a week or so.
Quote from: Analgesic on March 03, 2024, 07:44:58 AMWe took a full month off last summer for the first time as I'm nearing retirement and had one of our best cruises, Boston Harbor area all the way to Brooklyn, up the Hudson to West Point area and back.  This summer with a month off again, looking to head down east Maine possibly to the Canadian border.  Added a second 110 W solar panel to the bimini, in the process of replacing the engine mounts to the Vetus K75s to hopefully reduce the noise level motoring, replaced the whole propane set up and sanded and varnished the cabin sole.  Hoping for the best summer yet!

Sounds like a nice summer adventure planned!  I would personally be thrilled with 2 weeks straight sailing this summer - 1 month would be a dream for me but hopefully in the not-too-distant future! 

All the best with the boat projects too!  Solar panel and sand/varnish cabin sole is also on my to-do list plus sand/varnish the wood on both sides of the companionway.  My engine mounts are thankfully fine for now.  I do want to reduce the engine noise though.  Last summer I installed sound dampening mats around the engine bay and also installed hump hoses, both of which has helped with reduced sound and vibration.  This summer going to install mats under head sink and perhaps other areas too.
Quote from: waughoo on March 01, 2024, 03:47:40 PMThough perhaps not as glamorous as shipping my boat to a far away spot, I am excited to take Belafonte to the Canadian Gulf Islands for the first time this summer.  We are from Seattle and have been there before when chartering a C34, but never on our own boat.  Additionally, we are hoping to string two weeks together this summer which has historically been tricky.  Finger's crossed it works!

2 weeks in the gulf islands will be a fantastic time!  I love salt spring island and galiano (montague harbour).  Heard Pender is nice too, but have never personally visited.
Quote from: dfloeter on March 01, 2024, 02:36:25 PMWe did  the Trent Severn in 2019 and thoroughly enjoyed the tour of Ontario.  Compared to the NY canals that we traversed next, well there was no comparison.  The Canadians might be pressure washing the lock walls while in NY the growth is thick and toxic.   My terry cloth covers rotted off.  The TS was also mostly manned by eager college kids who did a fab job.  We hope to head east and south again and may go this year but still undecided. 
If we stay north 6-7 weeks in the North channel is a good substitute,

6-7 weeks in the north channel sounds like a fantastic backup plan!  I now have the trent severn on my to-sail list, will have to do more research to prep.  Have you sailed the thousand islands area?
Quote from: Holger Dieske on March 01, 2024, 06:16:53 AMLast year I sailed from northern Italy via Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Albania to Greece. I was on the way for about 10 months. In January and February I was back in Germany and the boat was in the south of the Peleppones safe in a port with international community of cruisers in wintering. In 2 weeks we're going back to the boat. I still have a few things to do on it and will eventually take it off. Actually, our plan is to have no plan. One idea was to go via Israel and Egypt through the Suez Canal and further east towards Asia. But maybe it's at the moment not the best idea to sail along Oman and Yemen. So I think we'll hang around and cruise in the Eastern Mediterranean for another year or two between North Africa, Greece, Turkey and Italy. We will see ...

Those 10 months last year must have been amazing!  Sounds like you have some great ideas this season.  Wish I could sail my C34 to such exotic locations as you!  I would have to fly over there and charter a sailboat to experience all that.
Quote from: KeelsonGraham on February 23, 2024, 10:37:03 PMShipping from UK to Caribbean this November and then cruise the islands for a few years. 😄

Wow this sounds like an amazing adventure!  You must have been planning and preparing this for a long time.  Will you be documenting the trip via a youtube channel?  I definitely would follow along, and no doubt many others too
Quote from: Jim Hardesty on February 24, 2024, 05:33:01 AMI've spent a little over 2 months on Shamrock, enjoyed every day.  I mostly single hand and like my sleep, so it takes me longer to get places.  The North Channel is great for me, gorgeous scenery, lots of anchorages, very clear and clean water.  Looks much like the coast of Maine without tides, lobster pots and much less tourist. Downside for some is its basically remote, bars and restaurants are few and far between, make your own drinks and meals. You should look into the Trent Severn, one season in the North Channel I met a couple on a C32 they took the Trent Severn and enjoyed it.

Excellent!  It sounds a little like the pacific northwest, where I sailed for a few years.  The most I've been away so far is just 1 week (with a crew of 5 others), so nowhere near as big or serene a trip as your 2-month solo.  I will research the Trent Severn, and add it to the list, thanks for sharing!
Quote from: scgunner on February 23, 2024, 07:18:03 AMAndy,

The N95 is a particulate mask and won't do much to block the smell. You can find a good inexpensive respirator for around $35 at Home Depot or most building supply stores. While you're there it's a good idea to pick up an extra pack of filters.

Regarding Top Gun's holding tank, no it's not the original. Several years ago it developed a big crack in the side you can imagine how that went or maybe you won't want to. Catalina supplied me with a new exact replacement from Ronco. For that project the respirator was worth it's weight in gold.

FYI, I'm on my 2nd or 3rd head pump (that doesn't count rebuilds) and 3rd or 4th macerator pump as well as various hose replacements so my respirator has come in handy.

Thanks, I will pick up the respirator and filter packs on my next trip to home depot for sure.

Ouch the holding tank fix must have been quite the project!  Was it due to a particular incident, or just old age?  Mine hasn't leaked yet, not sure if there's anything to do to delay this from happening.

I changed out the macerator pump on my previous C34, as well as rebuilt the head pump.  The current C34 has a bellows pump, which apparently is better than the impeller style pumps.  I also have electric flush on my head, which is more convenient than the manual pump but I dont have a backup plan if it stops working one day while out cruising.
Quote from: Kyle Ewing on February 22, 2024, 07:06:04 AMBiggest plan for me is to acclimate our new dog to Donnybrook.  She's a mini-goldendoodle who should be 20-25 pounds when full grown.  She'll be 9 months old at the start of sailing season.

I have no significant projects (knock on wood) other than a deep clean, decluttering and extra wax.

Awesome - is the dog able to go up and down the companionway steps?

Do you have no significant projects because you've owned your C34 for awhile now and completed the major things already?  Now just in maintenance mode?
Quote from: Jim Hardesty on February 22, 2024, 05:31:10 AMThinking of attending the GLCC rendezvous in Escanaba MI.  That would be a couple of months on Shamrock.  :D  Of course that would include the North Channel  :D

Jim that's an amazing trip!  Is 2 months the longest you've been on Shamrock?  How many in your crew?  I've heard many good things about the beautiful north channel.  I would need a solid amount of time off to sail there from the toronto area, but what an adventure it would be!