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Messages - Hokie

Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
May 14, 2015, 08:40:01 PM
Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on a circa 1989 Catalina 36 tall rig? I'm looking at one for sale in New York and any comments on the boat would be much appreciated.

Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 30, 2015, 06:40:02 PM
I don't want to make enemies but how would a 1989 C34 compare to a 1989 Pearson 33 or a 1990 Pearson 31?
Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 28, 2015, 08:31:39 AM
Can the boat be easily rigged for a spinnaker and why are so any masts/booms painted white?
Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 27, 2015, 07:03:09 PM
Hull number: CTYP0797F888, year 1988 C34, name: Stormalong, location: Deltaville, Virginia, date of survey: February, 2014. Nothing fishy about it to me but then I've never used a broker to purchase a boat.

Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 27, 2015, 06:36:02 PM
I do know the boats name and hull number as it is on the survey provided by the broker and I'd be glad to provide it to you but would I be violating the trust of the broker who provided it and would it be considered ethical. I'd love to hear from someone who knows the boat but I want to do the right thing.

Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 27, 2015, 05:05:51 PM
Thank you all for your help and please know that every comment is very helpful and appreciated. I think I will up my budget and try to get away from keels and sail area but you must understand that I'm an old E-22 owner and those boats spoil you; however at 59 I need something a little more tame and with more space. One of the two 34's that I'm looking at in Virginia was listed as "3'9" Draft, 5'4" Depth". I assume his numbers are off and this is a winged-keel boat and hoped someone could advise me. Also if a surveyor provided a purchase number would that be considered to be pretty close to market value??

Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 25, 2015, 08:11:15 PM
Thank you all so much for your help!!! It sounds like I either need to increase my budget numbers or get a smaller - C30 - boat. Maybe I'll get lucky and find an underpriced 34 - it is a buyers market. I would like to have the extra cockpit that the 34 offers but we'll see. Please know how much I appreciate your help!


Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 25, 2015, 06:36:38 PM
I've talked to some brokers in the Chesapeake Bay area and seen pictures of several 34's in the mid to upper 30's that I thought were in good shape and worth considering for purchasing. My basic concerns are osmotic blistering, balsa coring, standing and running rigging, auxiliary and gel coat. We would be using the boat for day cruising, occasional overnighting and entertaining family and friends. Am I just fooling myself and these boats would be more trouble than they're worth and if so what's a good number? Also please know that I realize you're desire to keep the numbers up to help maintain the value of your own boats - I had this problem with a C30 12 years or so ago on the Pagan River.

Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 25, 2015, 05:35:58 PM
What about tall rig vs, standard - any appreciable difference there? Also are there any options, rigging, etc. that I should
consider when making a purchase?
Main Message Board / Re: Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 24, 2015, 08:16:19 PM
Thanks Stu! Maybe I can find a local owner who can give me an idea of how much pointing ability I'd lose with a wing keel vs. deep fin. Pointing is important to me but if the wing keel gets me pretty close I'd probably compromise.

Thanks Again,
Main Message Board / Keels, Tall Rigs, etc.
April 24, 2015, 06:38:21 PM
I live in Newport News, Virginia and I'm looking for a 30 or 34' Catalina to sail on the James River and points beyond but I know very little about the performance of them as I have never been aboard one and I need some guidance from knowledgeable sources. My questions are: tall rig vs. standard, deep fin keel vs. standard, can I purchase a good 34 for $25,000-$30,000, does the 34 have  a noticeably larger cockpit than the 30, what problems should I look for when inspecting, what does the 34 do that the 30 can't  and any other advice you might have. I don't want to race anymore but I do like to go fast from time to time. I really appreciate your help and would like to purchase one soon.
