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General Activities => Main Message Board => Topic started by: Lance Jones on October 13, 2010, 11:53:21 AM

Title: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Lance Jones on October 13, 2010, 11:53:21 AM
I know, I know, I know -- Size doesn't matter. In doing a search on the site, I couldn't find anything saying if the full size (Household size) bowl will fit in a Mk I Head. I did see a post about a full sized electric head; but, we're looking to just upgrade to a full sized hand pumped head. Anyone know if the Jabsco full sized head will fit?
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Stu Jackson on October 13, 2010, 12:41:01 PM
Lance, if you're gonna replace your head, just do it right.  Raritan PHII is ONLY recommendation.  Check their website and also for pricing.  I just bought a PHII and will install it soon.  There are some pictures on this Board showing how it fits.  I do not know if a full sized one will fit, but you can get the dimensions from the Raritan site.

The Raritan heads are the only ones that'll last.  One one thing more: they work!

A search on Raritan brought this topic up, second one down:,5168.0.html
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Peggie Hall on October 13, 2010, 12:44:14 PM
You'll find the dimension for the "household" size Jabsco manual toilet on page 7 of the the installation instructions, which you can download from the Jabsco website:

However, if you want a toilet that'll give you a couple of decades (instead of just a few months IF you're lucky) of reliable trouble free service with just minimal maintenance, go with the Raritan PH II or PHC instead. The PH II and its predecessor the PH have been rated the best toilet in its class for more than 20 years. A bit more expensive up front, but a LOT less over time than replacing Jabsco pumps every year or two!  If the full size PH II won't fit, the PHC' uses the same pump, but mounted on a "compact" base to fit in tighter spaces.  Both the PH II and the PHC can use both the small bowl and the larger "household" bowl.
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Lance Jones on October 13, 2010, 02:03:10 PM
I understand everyone has their preferences. The Jabsco that is on mine is the original head on the boat -- so -- it has lasted since 1988 without any issues until the joker valve started to go this past month. The Jabsco I installed on my C-27 lasted the two years I had the boat and the CO of her is still happy with it after 2 years.

I don't mean to step on anyone's toes; but, we've been very happy with the Jabsco's we've  ummm -- errrrrr -- hummmm -- "used" :shock:  over the years. As I'm somewhat disabled, we just want a bigger bowl, if possible. If not, I'll just change the joker.

Thanks Stu and Peggie for the links!
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: hump180 on October 13, 2010, 05:03:57 PM
I often think about a full size also, but have considered going with a vacuflush.
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Ron Hill on October 13, 2010, 06:07:57 PM
Lance : The size Japsco head that came with the boat was probably a "compact" size head!!.

I'd guess that the "full" size would fit, but it will take up a little more space.  A thought
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Peggie Hall on October 13, 2010, 06:33:41 PM
Quote from: hump180 on October 13, 2010, 05:03:57 PM
I often think about a full size also, but have considered going with a vacuflush.

Once upon a time VacuFlush was a great choice...but today there are a number of toilets that offer everything it does plus  a whole lot more for as little as half the price. If you're seriously considering upgrading to "push button convenience" I'll be glad to help you select the best choice for you.

Once upon a time, Jabsco actually made a decent product for the I'm not surprised that your 1980's vintage Jabsco is still working...though you prob'ly aren't aware of how much its performance--the performance of ANY 20+ year old toilet--has deterioriated, because it's so gradual. But everything they've made in the last 10 years has become "disposable"--cheaper to replace than repair...more  profitable to the company than quality. Jabsco isn't alone in this (you don't want to hear what I think of my new Whirlpool dishwasher!) . Wilcox Crittenden once built toilets designed to last a century and a decent entry level compact toilet...they discontinued the entire W-C line at the end of '08 because it's more profitable to make disposable junk than to continue supplying repair parts for high quality bronze "thrones."

All of which is my long winded way of explaining why a Jabsco toilet today is a BAD's designed and mfr'd to fail in a hurry!  In fact, you'd be amazed by the number of  Jabsco manual toilet owners today who replace the pump every spring as preventive maintenance.

Just my $.02 worth...but it's your boat and your money. never changed the joker valve since 1988???    After that many years, it might as well not even be there! The joker valve in ANY toilet should be changed at least every two years...annually is better.  If all you want is a bigger bowl, any highboy" or household size bowl that has 4-bolt mounting pattern will fit your base, and the Jabsco manual will acccept the larger bowl. So Google "marine toilet bowls" to see who has 'em for the best price.
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: rmbrown on January 04, 2019, 02:24:32 PM
Since it's been a number of years since this thread was active, has anyone installed the household side Raritan at this point?  Is there room?  Is it worth the trouble?
Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Stu Jackson on January 04, 2019, 02:44:03 PM

I'm sure it would fit. 

There's this from the 101s:

PHII Installation with Photos,3797.msg45617.html#msg45617

You could check the Raritan website to see the difference in bowl sizes, or use Peggie's suggestion of Google.  I doubt if the difference in size is that much, but as you can see from the pictures, there's plenty of room.

My experience, IIRC in that topic, is that the placement of the base on the raised fiberglass is key to the "fit" of any new head, BUT the first stab at it will be determined by where your outlet hose is, the BIG 1-1/2" one.  That's because of angles.  Unless you can move where the outlet hose goes through the forward bulkhead, it will most likely determine the "set" of the base and the whole shebang.

[Added later]

Mike, see Reply #12 in that link to Peggie's input.  My PHII may already be the larger bowl.  Big enough for at a time!  :D  See Reply #13, too.  Aw shucks, ya probably read the whole thing already...:D

Title: Re: Head Bowl Size
Post by: Bill Shreeves on January 04, 2019, 09:16:53 PM
For what its worth, I replaced the compact bowl on my Groco head with a household bowl on my '87 MKI because one of the bolt holes in the compact bowl cracked.  The new bowl fit like a champ.  I didn't replace with a Raritan because the former owner replaced the Groco pump with a brand new one a week before I bought two seasons before and it works well and, from what I've read, the Groco is a good unit.  Should the Groco need a significant repair, I'll go with a Raritan.