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General Activities => Main Message Board => Topic started by: Todd Reese on June 11, 2007, 07:07:22 PM

Title: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Todd Reese on June 11, 2007, 07:07:22 PM
Hello All,

I am looking at changing old halyards for new and have read the postings from the past. Has anyone had a look at Sta-SetX Plus? I was going to go with 3/8 or 7/16 but wondered about the stiffness of the plus version.
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Stu Jackson on June 11, 2007, 08:28:05 PM
1.  You only use it once a day (the halyard).  It's not like it's a jib sheet.

2.  I made a mistake in 1999 by buying StaSet, not the StaySet-X, it stretches too much for a halyard.  Serviceable for cruising, but not fun in higher winds like we get here.

3.  Sampson makes the same less-stretchy stuff, but has a better feel, sorry don't know the name, but any rig shop or comparison table, or even Sampson's recommendations for use, would have it.

4.  If the price was right, I'd use StaSet-X.  Ours is 3/8, and don't feel like a 7/16 would do any better a job.  Our mainsheet is 7/16 and is right next to the halyard on the starboard cabintop, so I'd know.  3/8 should do just fine.
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Jim Price on June 12, 2007, 06:38:02 AM
I have had T-900 (10 mm) on the boat for 6 years now.  I am not sure it has ever stretched!!  Very expensive but I was able to get at significant discount at the time.  Still a little stiff after all these years but wraps around the winch with no problem.  Even when new and very stiff, was not a problem.  Like Stu said, you only use once or twice a day but I think it is worth it if you can get at a discount.
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Ted Pounds on June 12, 2007, 07:36:15 AM
Another option is a hybrid rope with a hich-tech core and a regular polyester cover.  Low stretch (relatively) but easy to handle and about mid cost between all high-tech and plain polyester.  That's what I used (3/8 size) and was very happy with it.
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Jeff Kaplan on June 12, 2007, 07:52:02 AM
todd, the po, just a year before i bought #219 3 years ago, replaced all the running rigging with sta-set. for the genny halyard it is good but for the main halyard i wish he had used the x. i do also get some stretch and usually have to retighten the halyard at some point into the sail. all lines are 7/16, including the main sheet and i like the feel of the bigger line, as i haul down the main halyard at the mast with someone following at the winch, works much better that way especially if my wife is at the winch.,..jeff
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: joe on June 12, 2007, 09:27:17 AM
todd, you might want to stop by and look at the halyard on march hare. i bought it last year. you can see if the size and stiffness suits you . its stay set x.
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Joe and Carol on June 12, 2007, 11:58:50 AM

     Believe I would go with the X 3/8.  Joe's line looks great.  We will all help you be hoisted to the top of the mast if the new halyard snags.  Cheers.  We will return weekend after next.

Joe and Carol
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Jeff_McKinney on June 13, 2007, 09:16:15 AM
A agree with using Sat-set X 3/8" (10 mm), T900 in the same size or an equivalent. One factor to consider if using some of the combination lines is some need a flat channel sheave vs. the standard U shaped sheaves that come on our boats.
Title: Re: Halyard Replacement
Post by: Todd Reese on June 14, 2007, 04:38:00 AM
I appreciate everones input. Joe, I will be over to look at your halyards this weekend. I think the Stay set X 3/8 is the direction I will be going. Thanks again!