Anchor rode

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Here is an extension:

I have no personal experience with it so do not considered me linking to it as a personal endorsement.   To my eye it has always looked a tad flimsy but that is just from viewing it from afar.

As for an upgrade path for anchors that is tricky as it all depends on where when and how you will be anchoring.   I run a Danforth and a Bruce and have never felt I was under equipped.    That said, the Rocna or Manson Supremes seem to be the latest and greatest and they have excellent reputations.  They seem to set far more reliably, quicker and more securely then other designs.  If I hadn't picked up the Bruce second hand from someone here on the board, I would have gone with one of those as my second anchor.

You can see a Rocna on a Mk1 C34 here:

As for a windlass, to me all the added complexity makes it seem not worth it.    But ask me again in ten years and I may very well have changed my tune.    The extra limitation emplaced on me by knee and shoulder issues may make a windlass seem like a very good idea indeed.

Braxton Allport
1988 #805, Ballou - Tacoma WA

Ron Hill

Braxton : Look in the Mainsheet tech note and you'll find my article on how I installed a Windline  "Narrow Anchor Roller" on my 1988 C34. 

Also I did it for a "hell of a lot less than " $199 !!!!!!!!!

A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788

Stu Jackson

Quote from: Sophie on June 13, 2017, 09:55:38 AM
1.  Are there aftermarket extended bow rollers to replace the factory fit '86 model?

2.  I am being told by my dock neighbors that I could do with a 33lb anchor and that I should consider a windlass.

3.  I noticed that most boats in the marina keep their anchors in the bow roller rather than the locker.

4.  Is there a general upgrade path for anchors?

1.  Yes, as previously mentioned.  However, there are those of us who have done substantial research and have determined that the original bow rollers have distinct advantages.  You don't neede to buy anything or add something to your boat:  cost = ZERO.   The OEM bow rollers do NOT impart a large "moment arm" (engineering-speak --- think BIG lever, on the bow of the boat.  Big new Rona anchors DO fit on the OEM rollers.

2.  Until you tell us what YOUR anchoring and sailing plans are - and where you plan to sail, we would be remiss to mention anything to you.  Unless you have shared those plans with your dock neighbors, if you haven't they are all blowing hot air.

3.  Yes, that is the best pace for it.  If you "need" it quickly, it is the ONLY proper place for it.

4.  You could start by telling us what you do have.  Basic answer is no, because of #2 above.

We know you're new here, so there are a few links you should read first and then get back to us here, and we can help you more specifically.  Go to the 101 Topics and read the bunch of links on anchoring first.  Happy reading.   :D :D :D

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Sophie- i suggest, with all due respect, that slow your roll--as my daughter would say. Since you said you weren't planning on sailing for a year, best wait until you get the feel for the boat before you buy too many "accessories" or equipment. Go sailing for awhile and then you will better understand what you need for your particular needs and goals.
1990 hull #1014, San Diego, CA,  Fin Keel,
Standard Rig

Stu Jackson

Quote from: Ron Hill on June 13, 2017, 02:39:02 PM
Braxton : Look in the Mainsheet tech note and you'll find my article on how I installed a Windline  "Narrow Anchor Roller" on my 1988 C34. 

May 1995
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


The 33 lb with 30ft of chain has worked very well for me. We get 30-50 nt winds occasionally. The windlass is a back saver! Don't know sources, but my several friends with your vintage boat all have rollers and leave the anchor on it.



I have the extended roller on our 89 Cat.
Ancor is always on the roller, but I flip it sideways, the hook around the base of the rollerfurler.
Being on a mooring ball, otherwise the ancor rub against the lines.
1989 MKI #970
   _/)  Free Spirit


We changed the original maybe 20" long roller on this 1996 Mark 2 with a 30" roller direct from Garhauer.   I store a 15kg Rocna on the roller and needed the additional length to keep the sharp tip from destroying the gel coat below the rub rail.   The rode is never run over the roller from straight down from one of the bow cleats.   The system works so far.   
Dietrich Floeter
Traverse City MI
1996 Catalina 34 TR WK #1317
Universal M35A
Rocna 20


I was asking about changing out the bow roller because of what I had seen walking around the docks and because a dock neighbor laughed at the anchor that came with the boat purchase!
I have been making my list of things to repair and replace in the future. I will be cruising up and down the Pacific Coast and around Monterey Bay. Does that help narrow down the anchor choice?
Anyway, seeing that big Rocna on original bow rollers and reading reviews, it seems that might be the way I will go if it is a good choice for the terrain.
HULL #369