Hulll Identification Number

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Nick Orford

Hi Everyone
I have just purchased Panache, a 34 MK 2 and will be sailing her out of Pittwater, just north of Sydney.
Can you please confirm what the HIN is detailing please.
The sail number is 375?
Where is the best contact for spares please.
Got a bit of work to do to get her up to scratch- replacing the the standing rigging and then looking forward to getting out on the water!
Many thanks for your assistance.
Nick Orford

AT Phillips

Adam Phillips
1991 Catalina C34
"Rising Sun" Hull #1115, M-35
Chesapeake Bay

Ken Juul

The Catalina factory is a good place to shop for hard to find parts.  Not sure about where to buy locally.  Might want to ask other boat owners in you area.  Do the standing rigging locally.  Catalina wants to see the original rigging, the cost of shipping both ways would be huge.
Ken & Vicki Juul
Luna Loca #1090
Chesapeake Bay
Past Commodore C34IA



Info on your hull #

Ahoy Nick,

In the spirit of understanding not only "what" something is or does on a boat, but also "why it's there"   .... expanding on the HIN code deciphering in the FAQ link above:

You're probably aware that the HIN format is specified by the US Coast Guard.
US - obvious - not part of the USCG required HIN.

CTY = Catalina Yachts = MIC (Manufacturers Identification Code assigned by the USCG.); e.g., Capri = "CPS"

P1468 = P (C-34 model) 1468 (obvious, hull #)

The USCG does not specify the format of the mfgr's serial number, except it may combine numerals and letters (each mfgr can use its own format except, for obvious reasons, letters I, O, Q.)  CTY chose to use a letter ("X" nnnn) to designate the model (H=C22, N= C30, P= C34;  C=C320, go figure?)

F9 = month year of mfgr or certification = F (June) 9 (1999)
This can be the start of production/assembly, or when it goes out the door.  Since it's molded into the hull, it makes sense that CTY assigns the HIN when the boat goes onto the line (e.g., June 1999)

00 = 2000 model year

So to recap:

  CTY           P        1468          F9                 00
Catalina     C-34      hull #       Began             2000
Yachts                                 construction       model
                                           June 1999           year

Be cautions if you try to decipher other pre C-34 models.  There are actually three different HIN formats that were used (2 former and C-34 being current one.)   For instance my C-30 HIN is:

CTY N3573 M84E
M84E - "M" means it's in the "Model year" format, 1984 model year, certified in "E" (A=Aug, B=Sept .... E= December)

For more info, see also:

Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain


Quote from: Nick Orford on June 04, 2017, 02:01:07 AM

Where is the best contact for spares please.


Are you referring to engine spares (which engine model do you have?), catalina C34 specific parts (say, a chainplate) or general marine parts (electronics, gauges, pumps, etc.)

Many times locally you can find manufacturer aftermarket systems cheaper and more available than shipping from a boat factory source.   You'll have to feel your way around to see if something specific you need (say, a replacement blower) is available locally. Other times it may be difficult to get certain parts locally.

For instance not too long ago I shipped a sea water pump to Halls Head because the local Oberdorfer dealer could not get the specific model.  it's just something you'll have to feel out (with help from here!! so ask about specifics.)
For rigging, it's probably cheaper to go local using the listed rig specifications for the model.

PS, It would be good if you listed specific boat info (eg, engine model, etc.) in your forum sidebar. (it helps us help you)

Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain


UPDATE to below.

CTY applies the HIN "a couple days" before the boat leaves the plant (not when it goes on the line.)
The last certification date for model year XX, is July 31, XX-1.

So the "model year" production period, Nick, say for your 2000 model year, would have been July 31, 1999.  If she went out the door on On August 1, 1999, it would have been a 2001 model, with the last two digits being 01.

The HINs are now hand engraved -- in the olden days it was stamped via a negative plastic tape (Dymo, type) into wet gelcoat.

Quote from: KWKloeber on June 04, 2017, 09:20:30 AM

Ahoy Nick,

In the spirit of understanding not only "what" something is or does on a boat, but also "why it's there"   .... expanding on the HIN code deciphering in the FAQ link above:

You're probably aware that the HIN format is specified by the US Coast Guard.
US - obvious - not part of the USCG required HIN.

CTY = Catalina Yachts = MIC (Manufacturers Identification Code assigned by the USCG.); e.g., Capri = "CPS"

P1468 = P (C-34 model) 1468 (obvious, hull #)

The USCG does not specify the format of the mfgr's serial number, except it may combine numerals and letters (each mfgr can use its own format except, for obvious reasons, letters I, O, Q.)  CTY chose to use a letter ("X" nnnn) to designate the model (H=C22, N= C30, P= C34;  C=C320, go figure?)

F9 = month year of mfgr or certification = F (June) 9 (1999)
This can be the start of production/assembly, or when it goes out the door.  Since it's molded into the hull, it makes sense that CTY assigns the HIN when the boat goes onto the line (e.g., June 1999)

00 = 2000 model year

So to recap:

  CTY           P        1468          F9                 00
Catalina     C-34      hull #       Began             2000
Yachts                                 construction       model
                                           June 1999           year

Be cautions if you try to decipher other pre C-34 models.  There are actually three different HIN formats that were used (2 former and C-34 being current one.)   For instance my C-30 HIN is:

CTY N3573 M84E
M84E - "M" means it's in the "Model year" format, 1984 model year, certified in "E" (A=Aug, B=Sept .... E= December)

For more info, see also:

Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain