2014 Officers Meeting Notes

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Stu Jackson

March 25, 2013                                      

Re:   Catalina 34 International Association Year 2014 Annual Officers Meeting

Dear Catalina 34 International Association Members, Officers and Board Members;

The Annual Meeting of the Catalina 34 International Association Officers was held via telephone conference call on Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 5:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time.  The meeting concluded at 9:30 p.m. EST.

The 2014 International Officers are listed after these meeting.  Participants in this teleconference included Paul Erb, Rick Allen, John Nixon, Stu Jackson, Ken Heyman, and Ray Irvine.   Ron Hill, Jack Hutteball, Dave Sanner, and Past Commodores Lance Jones, Ken Juul, Jon Arck, Dave Davis, Bob Kuba, and Michael Shaner were absent. 

The meeting was based on the emailed revised agenda, dated March 7, 2014.


1.   Financial Report & Projections – Treasurer Ken Heyman
a.   Cash is approximately $12.7K.  The dividend offered for 2013 was successful in reducing the balance by approximately $7,000 from last year's $20K balance, as projected.   
b.   Statement and projections accepted as presented. 
c.   Motion made and passed to discontinue the dividend for 2014 and to look at it every year as a method for keeping the balance to a reasonable amount.

2.   Membership – Secretary Stu Jackson
a.   639 members of which 41 are C355s, 588 C34 skippers, up from last year of 560 members, of which 28 were C355 skippers, 532 C34 skippers. 
b.   Mainsheet magazine PDF version now available from Mainsheet via Nanosec
1)   Issues discussed:  PDF is cumbersome compared to newer "magazine style" software; either/or print or PDF is limiting; electronic copies are helpful for storage and retrieval; electronic copies are cumbersome for storage space; C34 material is available on the website; skippers like the hard copy for coffeetable, reading elsewhere without computer/tablet; no preview or evaluation of this new PDF version makes the C34 Association the middleman for an untested product if members do not like the material or presentation; cost savings on actual publication by Mainsheet may not be provided by publisher
2)   To Do:  Paul will talk to Lu Ann at Nanosec to discuss issues including use, passwords, how does it work, costs and future plans for hard copies before we discuss with IA members.

3.   Website: 
a.   Tech Notes Online - Stu repeated the work that Roger Blake and Fred Koehlmann had done last year on updating the Mainsheet Tech Notes from the original material with John Nixon's help.  Those are ready to post on the Tech Notes Online. 
b.   A list of Forum/Message Board "Administrators" should be developed.  Fleet Captains or their designated alternates should be administrators of the Message Board Fleet sections.
c.   Redesign work is needed on the Main Home page of the website. 
d.   Paul will get in touch with Dave to address these issues.  Stu will forward Dave's recent email to Paul.  A procedure needs to be developed to forward Tech Notes material from the Tech Editor to the webmaster for posting to Tech Notes Online on a regular basis to keep the TNOs up to date.

4.   National Regatta
a.   None planned for this year.  Ray noted that the San Francisco Cup could be offered as the Regatta.  Reconsider for next year.

5.   Fleets
a.   New Fleet 14 was successfully formed in southeast Florida by Robert Schuldenfrei, Acting Fleet Captain (Esprit du Vent, #422). 
b.   Commodore Paul Erb will forward the Fleet Formation package to new Vice Commodore Rick Allen.

6.   CD-ROM status & updates – Stu – using now discontinued updates from Bob Kuba
a.   Last year we agreed that continuity of the CD was valuable and would be a good thing to have on the boat.  New thoughts this year is that wireless communication has largely replaced the use of CDs and that tablets and smart phones cannot employ CDs.
b.   Stu will continue to send CDs to new members.  Revisit next year to determine if CDs are still worth sending to new members.

7.   C355
a.   Little change from last year.  Stu advised that he sends Diane & Ed Walters the C355 roster on a quarterly basis. He noted that he had asked them for technical contributions for Mainsheet to begin to help them create their own identity; they were non-committal, only one C355 skipper seems to have developed enough material and expressed any interest.  No further action required.  Fewer C355 renewals (41 active of 100 boats produced are from new boats).  No need to change Mainsheet masthead to include C355, since no technical material has been produced by C355 skippers.

8.   Maine Sail website support
a.   An IA member wrote to Stu suggesting a one time financial support to this frequent contributor to the message board.  Discussion included:  not an Association member; financial support unwarranted for a volunteer organization, many of our  members contribute as much if not more; sets bad precedent; Maine Sail contributes to many other forums not just ours; contributions should come from individuals not the Association.
b.   Conclusion:  Stu to prepare and post a sticky on the Main Message Board suggesting that individuals who use Maine Sail's website and value his contributions on our Forum contribute to his website directly.

9.   Fleet Support
a.   Motion made, seconded and passed to extend Fleet Support for $10 per boat as of April 1st with those fleets that choose not to accept OK, requires a discussion and a motion for renewal every year.

* End*
Dear Catalina 34 International Association Members, Officers and Board Members:

February 2014

The 2014 International Officers listed were duly elected by a majority of Fleet Captains and the Past Commodores in accordance with the C34 IA Constitution. 

2014 C34 International Association Officers

2014 Officers

2014 Commodore  Paul Erb
2013 Vice-Commodore
#1634  Yachta Yachta Yachta

2014 Vice-Commodore Rick Allen
#746  Painkiller

2014 Secretary Stu Jackson (Fleet 1)
1999-2013 Secretary
#224  Aquavite
(510) 698-4250

2014 Treasurer Ken Heyman
2007-2013 Treasurer
#535  Wholesailor
(847) 422-3371 (cell)

2014 Chief Measurer Ray Irvine (Fleet 1)   
2009 & 2012-2013 Chief Measurer
#1383  Crews Nest

2014 Mainsheet Editor Jack Hutteball  (Fleet 5) 
2009 - 2013 Mainsheet Editor
#1555  Mariah II

2014 Webmaster Dave Sanner (Fleet 1)   
2005 to 2013 Webmaster
#611  Queimada

2014 Technical Editor  John Nixon
2010 -2013 Technical Editor
# 728  Otra Vez

2014  Associate Technical Editor Ron Hill (Fleet 12)   
#788  Apache
2004 - 2013  Associate Technical Editor
Past Technical Editor & C34 General Overall "Guru"
(540) 891-5297


2013 Commodore Lance Jones (Fleet 13)
2011 & 2012 Vice-Commodore
#622  Kitty's Cat
770-330-4010 (cell)

2011 & 2012 Commodore Michael Shaner
2009-2010 Vice-Commodore
#300  Queequeg

2009 & 2010 Commodore Bob Kuba
#1291  (sold in 2013)

Dave Davis (Fleet 1)   
#707  Wind Dragon
(650) 948�3461 

Jon Arck (Fleet 1)
#1346  Tweety Bird
2004 &2005 Commodore
2004 Vice-Commodore

Bill Jenks – no longer participating
2003 & 4 Past Commodore
2005 - 2006 Treasurer
(360) 832�8760

2007 & 2008 Commodore Ken Juul
#1090  Luna Loca

Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

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