SmartPlug shore power system discount for C-34 members

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Happy New Year fellow Catalina-ers

I am trying to put together a deal to get the SmartPlug shore power system at a good discount for the C-30 group.  This can work for all if I can get enough participation.

I was wondering if any C-34 members are interested so we all can get a better price.
I also emailed the other groups.

I pasted below my original shout out to my fellow C-30 members below.

If anyone is interested just email me DIRECTLY as I don't monitor this list.

Cheers, Ken Kloeber
C-30 #3573
"Positive Impact"


I'm trying to work a group price deal for SmartPlugs.
I've taken to heart RC's comments about the twist locks we have and am replcaing mine. Especially after experiencing an overheating/meltdown/smoking at the shore connector end of my cable (lucky I was there and prevented a fire) and seeing his pics at

My cable is good, so I'm looking at the inlet/conector retrofit combo:

The discount would depend on the quantity -- but it would be well below Defender's price ($179.) This can work only if we have enough quantity, so if anyone is interested in a Smart Plug at a discount (and is not just tire kicking,) email me offline (or if responding on the list, copy me to make sure I see it) so I can get a solid idea on quantity.  I'm doing this one time so now or never!


If you'd want the complete cordset ($130 Defender) and inlet ( $120 Defender)
let me know that also. If there's enough interest maybe I can also get a decent discount on those as well.

Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain



I am working on an article about Smart Plugs vs. the antiquated NEMA L5-30 standard. I will be talking with Terry & Ken about a possible discount code when the article is done. It is far from done and I am being held up by weather as I need some more installation pics. Despite my thousands of images I don't always have my camera or more frequently my SD card with me.

The article is NOT YET fit for public display but if you would like to see it develop the link is here:


It is currently password protected so use the password until it is done: smart
-Maine Sail
Casco Bay, ME
Boat - CS-36T

Ken Krawford

Ken Krawford
C350 Hull 351  2005 Universal M35B



Great article and telling pictures and analysis of the contacts!!

Sad that the shore sides will not change (very rapidly, at least), even if SP gets it approved for that.

Just wondering, will changing to the SP inlet (lower resistance voltage) result in an increase in current and more potential issues at the power stanchions?  At least that will be on the dock and not our boats!

Ken K
Quote from: mainesail on January 02, 2014, 06:57:56 AM

I am working on an article about Smart Plugs vs. the antiquated NEMA L5-30 standard. I will be talking with Terry & Ken about a possible discount code when the article is done. It is far from done and I am being held up by weather as I need some more installation pics. Despite my thousands of images I don't always have my camera or more frequently my SD card with me.

The article is NOT YET fit for public display but if you would like to see it develop the link is here:


It is currently password protected so use the password until it is done: smart
Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did.
So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the tradewinds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.   -Mark Twain

Kevin Henderson

I sent a quick question last night to SmartPlug concerning where their product is manufactured.  I am especially very supportive of any business that tries to keep at least most of their production here in the US.   :thumb: :thumb:
I was quite pleasantly surprised to get a phone call this morning from a representative of Smartplug to answer my question.   :thumb:
Essentially, 80% of the product is manufactured here in the USA with most being done in the PACNORWEST.  This was fantastic news!  :clap  He stated that they only source their Stainless Steel from China  :wait :(  but other sources of material come from US manufacturers including one in Pennsylvania.    :thumb:

I was extremely happy with the answers I got and it's truly an indicator of the type of company SmartPlug is and the quality of the product that they are making.   :thumb:

He also stated that inventories are short and that I may want to get my order in soon.

I'm placing my order for a 30AMP 50' cord set and the 30AMP inlet this weekend!   :clap :thumb: :abd:
The sail, the play of its pulse so like our own lives: so thin and yet so full of life, so noiseless when it labors hardest, so noisy and impatient when least effective.
~Henry David Thoreau


Even the wire is made here in the USA and it is tinned marine grade... The competitors source it from Mexico, China or elsewhere and it is not tinned. It's all in my article which has now been unlocked..

Smart Plug vs. 1938

Quote from: Kevin Henderson on January 16, 2014, 09:21:49 AM
I sent a quick question last night to SmartPlug concerning where their product is manufactured.  I am escpecially very supportive of any business that tries to keep at least most of their production here in the US.   :thumb: :thumb:
I was quite pleasently surprised to get a phone call this morning from a representative of Smartplug to anser my question.   :thumb:
Essentially, 80% of the product is manufactured here in the USA with most being done in the PACNORWEST.  This was fantastic news!  :clap  He stated that they only source their Stainless Steel from China  :wait :(  but other sources of material come from US manufactureers including one in Pennsylvania.    :thumb:

I was extremely happy with the ansers I got and it's truly an indicator of the type of company SmartPlug is and the quality of the product that they are making.   :thumb:

He also stated that inventiries are short and that I may want to get my order in soon.

I'm placing my order for a 30AMP 50' cord set and the 30AMP inlet this weekend!   :clap :thumb: :abd:
-Maine Sail
Casco Bay, ME
Boat - CS-36T