Repowering Simply Blue

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Andrew Harvey

5 weeks, 6 days,a few more hours ?
The Beta 30 has been 'Shoe horned" into the engine compartment.
It is going to take some creative wood working to have companionway steps.
Maybe should have opted for the 25. Would have fit better
It will be fun blasting by all the other C34's under power though !!
Will find out in a day or two.

Andrew Harvey

Ron Hill

Andrew : Good luck on your woodwork!!  As I recall the 1986 C34s only have 3 steps as compared to all the later C34s with 4 steps.

To those that are thinking about repowering - the original engine was installed in the boat early on while the boat was coming down the production line.  Then the companionway was built around that installed  engine!!  That's why it nearly impossible (with out MUCH) carpentry to put a 4 cylinder engine in a boat with an original 3 cylinder engine.

If you've read about my installation of a new M25XPB engine, I had to do some carving in the companionway area!!

A few thoughts
Ron, Apache #788


I dont know what the 30 is like, but my biggest offender on the 25 was the fuel filter mounted up front.  It was mounted on a heavy bracket with two good sized bolts.  I undid one and found it rotated conveniently 90 degrees to one side.  Saved a considerable carving job.   If you do have to carve a notch here or there, go back and check after running the engine.  I found little red markings on a channel for a rigid raw water pipe showing exactly where I needed to remove a little extra material to get a good clearance margin. Saves rattles and ensures you don't cause any stresses for your new baby.
Steve Dolling
Former 1988 #804, BlackDragon - Vancouver BC
Now 1999 Manta 40 cat


Andrew, one other item on your checklist.  Brother in law reported during first oil change some abrasion on the oil drain hose rubbing against the bed.  It had to be resecured and protected.    Make sure yours is happy.  Of course you will install those LED lights so you can pick up on these issues without having to crawl around with a flashlight in your teeth...

I lied.  I had two more items.  The transmission shift lever needs to have full range of travel or your clutches will wear out prematurely and not be covered by warranty.  Mine contacted the bed and I had a pleasant half hour upside down in the aft cabin with my heAd stuck in the hole creating fiberglas dust with a Dremel tool to rub into sweaty open pores.  Pick a hot afternoon if you need to work on that one.  

Steve Dolling
Former 1988 #804, BlackDragon - Vancouver BC
Now 1999 Manta 40 cat

Andrew Harvey

The biggest problem so far is getting the rid of some electrical gremlins.
I ordered the motor with an alternator set up for my Balmar external regulator.
It seems that the alternator and regulator can't agree on anything.
Fit wise the biggest problem is the oil pump.
We are going through some creative carpentry solutions.
Will send photos when complete
I like the LED lights but my significant other has seized my bank account!

Andrew Harvey

Stu Jackson

Quote from: Andrew Harvey on August 12, 2013, 07:58:20 AM
It seems that the alternator and regulator can't agree on anything.

Can you be more specific?
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."


Stu, this is not really Andrew's biggest problem at moment. We need to focus help on the critical stuff. 

My work around on the spousal fund control issues is to link what I want to a critical function or safety related issue.   "We don't have to have the new plotter, but without it, there can be no radar, and without radar, there is a good chance we will all die, but if you don't want to spend the money, I totally respect your position".  Bundling is also an effective strategy.   You want LED lights.  You need to fix the alternator.  So you go to one electrical distributor that can sell the $2 connector you need and throw in the $50 worth of LED lights.  When you get home it is just a $52 receipt for the electrical bits. You just act grumpy and complain about how expensive marine stuff is.  The other strategy is the spousal enhancement. You buy the 15m roll of LED strip lights - the first meter gets installed in the galley over the stove.  The 3 meters you use in engine space never get commented on. 
Steve Dolling
Former 1988 #804, BlackDragon - Vancouver BC
Now 1999 Manta 40 cat

Andrew Harvey

Good idea. LED lights are critical for power savings..less wear and tear on the new engine.
Alternator and regulator were removed and tested at an alternator shop yesterday and apparently happily married.
Not sure what the problem was exactly yet.

Andrew Harvey


Quote from: Andrew Harvey on August 12, 2013, 07:58:20 AM

I like the LED lights but my significant other has seized my bank account!

Having survived my first marriage that lasted five years I think I know a thing or two about a significant other and a sailboat.  My current marriage has lasted 35 years and three boats.  Explain to the good woman the things you want and why you want them.  Even if the explanation is: I want this high tech sail because I'll be damned if some other 34 is going to pass me; plead your case!  Then tell her she has veto power over any and all of this including selling the boat.  Trust me, if the boat is worth more than the relationship...  Well, decision making is easy if you have your priorities straight.

You will note that my fee for advise is quite reasonable  :D


Robert Schuldenfrei
Esprit du Vent - #422

Ron Hill

  "I like the LED lights but my significant other has seized my bank account!"

Had a similar problem : "What do you mean? that you're going to take that new alternator off the new engine and replace it with the old Balmar"!! 
Explanation was easy - "You can run the fridge ONLY while the engine is running with the new alternator or you can run your fridge 24/7 with the old Balmar".  It's your choice!!!

You know which one the 1st Mate chose!  A thought

Ron, Apache #788


I tend to lean the opposite way from Bob's advice.  I'm more of the " it first and install it and hope she doesn't notice."  I've gotten away with it more than I care to admit.  "No, those winches aren't new.  I just polished them so they really shine now."...."That generator isn't new.  We had it on the old boat just never used it.  That's why it looks brand new." 
Hmmm, LED lights in the engine compartment.  She's never looked in the engine compartment, she'd never know they weren't there in the first place. 

I've got to go, I've got a few things I need to pick up.

Andrew Harvey

It's easier to ask for forgiveness than approval!

The Beta engine is imported from the UK. I ordered it with the alternator set up for external regulation.
Apparently unbeknownst to anyone the alternator was set up for a european frequency spec.
After a gruelling 6 weeks of chasing people around, the engine is running great
Going on holidays next week! Yahoo!
Andrew Harvey

Stu Jackson

Andrew, glad you got it sorted out, and have a great cruise.

I just gotta ask though:  "European frequency spec?"  Alternators produce DC current, so it seems it might have been set for 24V, not 12V.  Can you elaborate?
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."

Ted Pounds

Ummm...  Stu, "alternators" produce alternating current (AC).   :?
Ted Pounds
"Molly Rose"
1987 #447

Stu Jackson

Ted, right, but which is rectified to DC output, right?
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."