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kerk fisher

Hi.  I've tried searching lots of items and the site always comes up with:

2: pspell_new() [<a href='function.pspell-new'>function.pspell-new</a>]: PSPELL couldn't open the dictionary. reason: No word lists can be found for the language "en".
File: /home/c34org5/public_html/bbs/Sources/Search.php
Line: 700

I have a MacBook Pro.

What's happening?  Thanks, Kerk
Kerk Fisher
C34, Into the Mystic II
Hull #1102, 1990
Sailing the North Channel, Lake Huron
908 Wicksbury Place, Louisville, KY 40207
Louisville, KY 40205
Alternate email:

Ken Juul

A few weeks the software company provided an upgrade, things haven't been the same since.  The webmaster is aware, no estimate on when it will be repaired.  Try using a google search, include C34 in the search terms.
Ken & Vicki Juul
Luna Loca #1090
Chesapeake Bay
Past Commodore C34IA


I'm surprised they haven't found a fix yet.  It's been about a month.

Stu Jackson

Here's how to search until it gets fixed.,7570.0.html

Yes, it is an inconvenience, it is not the end of the world as we know it today.  :D

Please be patient, we've explained why a couple of times.  It is out of our hands, and up to the software vendor for the board. 
Stu Jackson, C34 IA Secretary, #224 1986, "Aquavite"  Cowichan Bay, BC  Maple Bay Marina  SR/FK, M25, Rocna 10 (22#) (NZ model)

"There is no problem so great that it can't be solved."