Blue Sea Systems digital voltmeter

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I installed a digital voltmeter on the panel.  When it's not sensing any voltage, the meter reads .03 volts.  Called Blue Sea Systems tech service, but they couldn't give me a good answer why.  Interesting to note, saw some boats at the boat show with the same unit, and those meters were also reading .03 volts.  What is the electrical explanation for this?  Also, I'm thinking if I want to know the true voltage of the battery, I would have to subract this factor out?  I would figure the meter should read 00 when no voltage is being metered.....
Roc - "Sea Life" 2000 MKII #1477.  Annapolis, MD


I installed a Xantrex meter 3 yrs ago, When everything, I mean everything, is OFF it still reads .1 amp. I too struggled with tech support and all kinds of explanations. Turns out: The meter itself uses some current. I found it and I just confirmed it with the Xantrex Tech guy at the Annapolis show. Perhaps the Blue Sea is the same story. Rgds,
Stewart Napoleon, Hull #1472, Desiree
Greenwich, CT