Sewer Tank Vent Hose

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Ralph Masters

When we put Ciao Bella in the yards this spring for a bottom job I alson contracted for all the sewer hose to be replaced.  That job went to hell in a hand basket and because of it I would never recommend the outfit I had do the work. 
Any how on of the problems was that the vent hose was not replaced, the orignal hose was the clear, reinforced water hose and it was allowing the smell through the hose.  I replaced that this week end, one more "to do" item.  It took 7 feet 6 inches of 3/4 inch Trident 148, in case any body else is looking at doing the project. 
The yard did not think that was a part of the sewer hose that I contracted to be replaced.  And they obvisouly did not think hose clamps on some of the new hose was part of the contract either, cause I was missing a few of them.  Funny how a well place hose clamp will keep water from leaking out of the end of a hose.

Ralph Masters
Ciao Bella
San Diego
Hull 367, 1987


Did you connect it to the original stanchion vent?  Or did you vent somewhere else like some others have done. 
Bob Gatz, 1988 catalina 34, Hull#818, "Ghostrider" sail lake superior Apostle Islands

Ralph Masters

I put it right back on the stanchion vent where it started out.

Ralph Masters
Ciao Bella
San Diego
Hull 367, 1987