The feel of Utter Defeat -- WIRING HARNESS

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day dreamer

thanks guys   and in particular Clay  for  clarifying the issue ...

I shall try to improve my electrical knowledge so as to contribute to debates ....

perusing the site I came across:-

"Had a very intresting experience on the boat last weekend.  We were staying on the boat in the slip and in the middle of the night were awakened to the sound and lights of what seemed like arc welding.  I got out of the v-berth very quickly and scrambled to the dock to throw the shore power breaker.  After some investigation and venting the boat of all the smoke, I found the source to be the battery charger which was mounted under the nav table on the hanging locker bulkhead."

This sounds like the very same thing that happened to my boat -  aided and abetted by a lightning storm which struck the marina taking out shore computers etc.

The good news is that the damaged wiring seems to have been isolated to the charger. The wiring behind the panel seems ok  and I have been able to start the engine from the cockpit panel - which purrs  nicely-  so with a new main panel I should be in business. 

txs again ...  must get back to the site ... and research --
